
Peter L

Director of Quality - 20 Years of Experience - Near 48360


Director of Quality

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



Accomplishments Saved millions in an M&A transition. MAHLE acquired and needed to integrate Delphi Thermal. Leading transition of purchasing/logistics, migrated systems, processes, staff and suppliers. Identified redundancies/synergies, enabling $12.3M in savings to date. A 25%+ headcount reduction and $4.5M in additional savings are projected by 2018. Avoided $470K in costs. While waiting for the MAHLE buyout to close, DTS needed a stopgap replacement for its supplier management system. Develop a temporary solution. Avoided hundreds of thousands in projected system development costs. Put in place a project plan for moving to an SAP Pool4Tool environment. Beat cost cutting targets. Tapped to turn around poor record of cost reduction performance in DTS's North American region. Strengthened accountability and training. Led renegotiations and sourcing in low-cost markets. Cut direct material costs $8.6M and indirect costs $3.9M YoY. Beat operating budget savings targets by 10%. Turned around quality at an offshore plant. A DTS plant in Mexico suffered problems in the rollout of new product program for a truck maker. Stepped in to cure the issues. Avoided any interruptions in the 24/7 plant while setting up new processes and controls. Took first-time quality metrics from 50% to 90% in less than six months. Cut defect rates 66.6% & production interruptions 87.5%. Delphi Thermal quality metrics fell short of expectations. Tasked with turning around the Global Supplier Quality organization. Launched an aggressive revitalization initiative. Developed rigorous new processes, systems and training. Realigned staffing. Established Best Practices and regular audits. Took defect rates from 30 PPM to <10 PPM. Cut supplier defect production disruptions from 8 to <1 per year.





