EXPERIENCE SUMMARY: Geographic Information Services, Inc. Culture & Service Curator A member of the executive team, the Culture & Service Curator is responsible for overarching talent management and organizational development. * Director of Human Resources department * Budget development and management for HR and oversight of operational budgets company-wide * Defends and builds company culture * Develops and implements succession planning program * Executes compensation management program company-wide * Develops career planning policies and procedures * Develops and delivers leadership training material * Develops and directs HiPo and HiPer management policies and procedures * Executive team coach and mentor Service Delivery Manager * Member of Executive Leadership Team * Service Delivery manager for company supporting all business verticals. * Duties include personnel management (including career planning and development), budget maintenance (including annual fiscal planning and development), business development support for all business units. * Develop resource allocation models for company. * Development of Service excellence framework. * Project controls oversight for all business units and training of new project managers. * Risk management oversight for all business units. * Focus on operational effectiveness and continuous improvement in project execution methodology for the organization. * Oversees onboarding of all new technical staff. Federal Operations Manager & Project Manager * Functioned as project manager for a variety of clients including US Army, US Army Corps of Engineers and the US Navy as well as private and state and local clients. * Provides direct communications with client, manages schedule, budget and staff. * Responsible for client relationships and securing follow on work through existing and new contracting vehicles The Shaw Group Geospatial Information Technology Manager * Develop and lead research and development efforts related to geospatial information technology (GIT). * Provide business development guidance and strategic planning for technology-based programs. * Management responsibilities include: budget development and maintenance hardware and software maintenance and evaluation of strategic projects and staffing. * Manage GIS-database integration and provide 3-D plume modeling support for multiple federal and commercial projects. * Develop and lead needs assessment teams for evaluation of client requirements in developing decision support and other information management systems. * Supervise 25 geographically dispersed employees and promote career development for each. * Directed the development of the department's Quality Program for GIS and data management that was implemented in 2004. The program provides a framework for the development of quality teams responsible for identification of quality issues, resolutions, and the development of standard operating procedures (SOP). Pelissippi State Technical Community College Adjunct Professor * Adjunct professor in the GIS department providing student guidance and teaching services in the area of Cartography and GIS project management. Geo-Marine, Inc. Soil Scientist * For numerous government and commercial clients, served as a Project Manager and Soil Scientist for various direct-push field investigations and as a Field Chemist for TCE and BTEX site investigations. * Also served as Corporate Health and Safety Officer as well as Project Health and Safety Officer at various DoD and private industry sites. Soil and Environmental Consultants Soil Technician * Field work that included characterization of soils for the application of municipal sewage sludge. * Preparing reports to be submitted to the Department of Environmental Management in accordance with requirements associated with land application of municipal waste. * Wetland mapping. Fulton's Soil Evaluations Soil Technician * Characterizing soils for suitability for septic tank absorption fields. * Septic systems drain field design. * Preparing reports to be submitted to the Virginia State Health Department documenting suitability and drain field design.

