Career Summary Ten years working as a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Analyst working with several government agencies such as the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Treasury Department Disclosure Services (TDS) and Department of the Air Force (AF) FOIA Liaison Office. My duties included: keeping track of the backlog cases. Preparing and piloting the annual FOIA training, organizing the AF Annual Information Access Training Conference, and bi-weekly FOIA meetings. Responsible for processing FOIA cases using FOIAXpress, posting and managing the Reading Room. Assisted Requesters with issues concerning the processing of FOIAs and redirecting FOIA cases to the correct department for processing. As a Lead FOIA Analyst responsible for delegating, reviewing correspondence, and determining which office to redirect request. Processed FOIA and Privacy Act (PA) request using the proper exemptions. Four years working for the United States Air Force Financial Management Office as an system analyst analyzing and evaluating user requirements by coordinating with the user to define information technology needs, data availability, and report requirements. Define system objectives and prepares information technology requirement specification to meet user requirements and business process needs. Four years as accounts payable clerk processing invoices using GCS Premier/Cost Point for payment. Seventeen years secretarial experience coordinating and developing proposals for government contracts with extensive experience in management support. Expert knowledge and experience in MS Windows environment. Experience in staff interviewing and training with solid communication skills handle employee and customer complaints with tact and professionalism. Work independently and under pressure generous team player. Six years as Administrative Specialist in United States Army and seven years of Reserve Service as an Army Reenlistment Recruiter.