to obtain a Data Scientist position and apply my knowledge and experience to further development in the field of machine learning and deep learning. A great desire to develop further in the field of machine learning. My main interests include machine learning, deep learning, neural networks, reinforcement learning, regression models, artificial intelligence, and robotics. Have been learning statistics since the second year of education in Lomonosov Moscow State University and during the research degree course. Both the diploma thesis topic ("On the comparative applicability of linear and allometric dependences of the human body size from the intra-group and inter-group perspectives") and the research degree thesis are in statistics (regression, cluster, discrete analysis, etc.). Experience of using machine learning methods and neural networks in professional activities. Experienced in big data analysis. I took part in some competitions on Kaggle (my profile: Profound knowledge of instruments for data preparation and analysis: Python, SQL, MATLAB. Knowledge of the main machine learning libraries for Python (TensorFlow, Keras, Pandas, Numpy, SciKit-Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn).

