Direct Analyzed fork lift utilization and material flow through AutoCAD Flow Planner for balancing the workload. Results of the analysis indicated elimination of one forklift Analyzed the effectiveness (traveling with material vs traveling empty) of the forklifts through direct time studies Suggested new locations for raw materials and finished goods in an effort to reduce double handling time study of the distribution center operations for analysis of the production standards resulting in a cost optimization of $150K/year and an overall productivity increase by 11% Analysis of distribution inventory data and operator statistics through the Warehouse Management systems identifying fields of cost optimization in the areas of inbound outbound and packing operations - Provided optimum staffing level at Shipping & Inbound Dock through direct time studies and shipping data analysis - Reduced the per carton processing time for the packaging operations by 33% through direct time study MOST 5S and Ergonomic Analysis (Standing Position Reach-Out Distance Station Height) for Packaging Stations

