Occupation:Director of Quality |
Location:College Station, TX |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
Proven team oriented Leader capable of leading an organization forward. Not afraid of challenges. Interested in results based on real growth and dedicated team work. Executive Level Management Captain, U.S. Navy, Program Manager Aerostats, Commander, SIXTH Fleet June 2016 - Present Duties with Commander, Sixth Fleet Strategy and Policy Directorate as Program Manager and Commander Task Force 67 managing European Reassurance Initiatives (ERI) including managing the conversion of U.S. Army aerostats (large stationary balloons) used previously in Afghanistan and Iraq on forward bases as eyes in the sky for force protection. Led and facilitated a cross functional operational planning team working with the Army Program Office in converting the aerostats into maritime Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance assets operated in European theater. The Navy will deploy aerostats into the European theater of operations under a $40M ERI project. The line of effort included directly working with high level European and NATO leadership, U.S. Defense Attachés, the DoD Office of Under Secretary for Intelligence and Policy, Product Director-Aerostat, and the U. S. European Command. Duties and Accomplishments * Converted low range optics and infrared cameras, ground moving target indicator radars, and ground station equipment and communication networks to extended range systems better fitting maritime requirements to ensure program success. Coordinated with Program Offices and commercial sources to determine enhancement range capability. * Conducted cross-directorate staff reviews, mission analysis, and matched to Theater Campaign Plan and Maritime Support Plan to align effort with aerostat deployment. Coordinated with N51 reginal planning teams to determine advantages and disadvantages of aerostat deployment sites based on host nation capabilities. Developed a Significant Mission Enhancement Brief for Office of Secretary of Defense to justify and rationalize aerostat operations. Supported Office of Secretary of Defense to complete an interagency review concerning aerostat deployment locations as barriers were established requiring National Security Council approval on selected deployment sites within NATO. * Prepared Staff Action Packages for senior leadership approval ensuring capability and budget spending NAVEUR requirements were staffed and signed. * Sourced unused FY 2016 funding for pre-deployment site survey travel costs, test and evaluation funding, and for the aerostat planning. Gathered financial cost information, determined cost to benefit justifications, and attained $200K in funding. * Tracked early funding obligations and expenditures in phased budget allotments by Program Director Aerostats to control overall spending in order to ensure NAVEUR mission success. * Developed contingency operations and sensor capability for the Aerostat based on barriers established due to a delay in a congressionally approved FY17 Defense Budget. * Program development required briefing high level commanders routinely, including staff leadership on progress and system performance metrics. Interfaced with USEUCOM N8 and OSD CAPE for budget and ERI funding restrictions questions. * Prepared force protection for operations and counter intelligence plans collaborating with NCIS and N-33 Force Protection Analysts. Referred to USEUCOM, NAVEUR, and PEO IEWS Classification Security Guidance to plan and determine document classification requirements. Led and directed a 10 sailor and civilian OPT and advised the U.S. product office on European theater classification requirements. * Led planning to conduct operations in an austere environment involving expeditionary support with site preparation and spectrum analysis utilizing electronic recording equipment to prevent unnecessary interference and receive host nation certification to transmit and operate sensors. * Selected sensor site host nation and worked with State Department's Defense Attaché to develop cooperation and information sharing agreement plan, which included rationalization, interoperability, and standardization with NATO. * Developed several courses of action based on specific desired ERI strategic objectives for Commander, Sixth Fleet selection and decisions including location, command and control, and sensor capabilities to collect information. * Developed two different European host nation briefs that requested deployment site approval and introduction of the aerostat capabilities and included politico-military matters. Worked with the program office and NAVEUR Disclosure Officer to ensure compliance with the National Disclosure Policy in the release of classified information to our NATO partners. Program Manager Military Contracts, Black Mountain Group, BMI Defense Systems Bryan, TX September 2008 - January 2017 Responsible for Department of Defense (DoD) contract management, quality assurance, customer relations Compliance Manager and Facility Security Officer. Led and maintained cross functional integrated management operations plan. Directly managed nine personnel in law enforcement operations product line production and supply chain management. Led production order fulfillment planning and execution with John Deere and DoD vehicle recovery ropes, which includes maintaining skill sets in metal fab (shaping, welding and drilling), rope product assembly (knot tying), and fabric (sewing) assembly. Hired to determine how to mass produce gunner seat and restraint assemblies for the entire Marine Corp, Navy, and Air Force for the new MRAP combat vehicle and to help company meet stringent DoD business and quality requirements and regulations in order to conduct U.S. Government contracting business. The task included using production experience to pass several first article tests with the DoD military program offices in the Marine Corps Systems Command and Tank and Armored Command with a quality control plan that raised program probability of success. This enabled BMI Defense Systems to be awarded $88M in defense contracts during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Duties and Accomplishments: * Increased production efficiency from 75 gunner protection kits per week to 250 kits per week, redesigned the assembly line, and developed a weekly delivery system to customer and source suppliers including developing contracts and agreements as a distributor to lower raw material cost. * Managed fielding of gunner padded safety equipment in the gun turrets for combat vehicles. Increased production and packaging efficiency in order to have production room for new products and sustain previous fielded products ordered by Program Offices and Defense Logistics Agency. * Developed and managed personnel manning plan for metal, rope, and sewing assembly production lines. Determined job roles and eliminated duplication of effort to minimize unnecessary personnel. * Qualified Facility Security Officer (FSO) for Cleared facility completed four DSS Facility Security Vulnerabilities Assessments resulting in commendable rating. * Developed a sales order file for tracking production status, delivery requirements, and shipping dates. Tied the order file in with a weekly operations meeting I formed for a companywide support coordination effort into product realization and product coordination. Maintained 97% on time shipments. * QA Manager in ISO 9001 Quality Management System organization and Management Review Meeting Coordinator developed and currently track objective metrics. Provided analyses and evaluation for the management team. Manage QA technician personnel for inbound, midpoint, final, and outbound inspections. Manage customer and vendor first article planning and performance testing. Middle Level Management Plywood Production Manager, Georgia Pacific Camden, TX- Koch Industries LLC July 2007 - September 2008 Responsible for 320 personnel in manufacturing 400 million 3/8s square feet of Yellow Pine plywood annually, including four process departments, three department superintendents, and 13 salaried front line supervisors. Managed a $21 million dollar operating budget and responsible for Operations Department employee safety and production performance. Ensured compliance with the plywood association's procedural requirements in order to be certified as a Quality Management System plywood producer. Compliance management included standard operating procedures, environmental permit restraints for water and air, boiler steam production usage, and a log watering entrapment pond processing system. Prevented release of deoxygenated water and volatile organic compound emissions from production facility. Member and co-team leader for the facility wide Safety Steering Team in compliance with OSHA Voluntary Protection Program, responsible for crew and shift safety development. Managed labor and variable manufacturing costs based on forecast and budget vs. actual spending. Responsible for the installation of market based management at the Camden facility based on the Koch business strategy. Responsible for capital project installation operations, personnel training, and start-up planning for $12M- 20 Bin veneer scan grader and stacker. Provided annual estimate of operating expense, major repair and maintenance budgets and initiated production capital project requests to corporate. Completed weekly presentations to leadership on the department profit and loss spending in order to identify spending out of the budget and develop corrective action plans to realign spending. Lumber Production Manager, International Paper Camden, TX May 2001 - July 2007 Responsible for 150 Maintenance and Production personnel manufacturing 160 million board feet of soft wood stud lumber, including three process departments, one department superintendent and five front line supervisors. Managed safety and quality programs and ensured compliance in environmental guidelines for water and air in kiln steam production and water treatment. Managed labor and variable manufacturing costs based on budget vs. actual spending. Developed Standard Operating Procedures in manufacturing and a system to document and track the training by all team members. Installed two $5M curve saw primary breakdown machine centers in sawmill including upgrading lumber and sawdust handling equipment. Each project realized ROI in three months. Reported to Regional Manager and Division President on mill financial and safety performance results. Authorized and justified operating, repair and maintenance, and packaging spending. Front Line Level Management Department Manager/Superintendent, Champion International Camden, TX July 1998 - May 2001 Department Manager Plywood Finishing, Shipping and Receiving Department and Lumber Sawmill Manager. Facilitated team of maintenance supervisors to establish major spending projects. Taught maintenance craftsmen how to use the new repair and maintenance module in the enterprise resource planning system. Managed and tracked operating, and repair and maintenance budgets. Responsible for production and safety performance metrics to meet forecast and budget measures. Largest Southern Pine plywood and lumber operation in the country. Promoted to Department Manager/Superintendent six months after completing management training.

