COVER LETTER: Dear Ms. Braedon Gregory, My name is Ms. Dolly Johnson, and I came to your office on Monday September 25, 2017. I was introduced to you by the courtesy of Lance Williams. I would like to thank you for taking a moment out your busy day to speak to me regarding available positions. As expressed I am seeking a new position and came across a position listed on the bulletin board outside your office for a Principal Clerk. I have a B.A. in Business Management/Communications coupled with over 10 + years of management experience in several fields. I also possess over 16+ years of Customer Service experience from external to internal interactions. I am extremely detail oriented and well organized. I have over 10 years of construction experience from ordering materials, permit processing, and project management to the close out process. I am currently seeking to expand my field of interest. I took noticed of the position available for a Principal Clerk as mentioned, having reviewed the needed requirements and the responsibilities I believe, I may be an excellent fit for the position. I am capable of working efficiently as a team member or individual worker, depending on the needed. I possess great work ethics and integrity for each role I assume, as my past employers would attest. Presently, I am seeking a permanent position where I can utilize my skills. I ask that you please review the attached resume to assess my qualifications. My resume has been tailored to fit the needed position, not all my experiences are included. An interview will enable you to obtain a more in-depth scope and magnitude of my experiences. However, since it is difficult to get one's capabilities on paper, I would welcome the opportunity to meet and discuss how my strengths and abilities will be of benefit to you and your company. Thank you for reviewing my resume . My contact information is located above, I look forward to speaking with you in the near future. Respectfully, Ms. Johnson OBJECTIVE: Experienced and highly motivated candidate with exceptional auditing and investigating skills, analytical and accounting abilities. Holds a B.A in Business Management and more than 9+ years of Construction Specialist Experience, 16+ years of Operations Management and excellent customer service expertise are just a few highlighted Qualifications. Core Qualifications * Excellent written and oral communication skills * Extensive knowledge of Construction Process and Permits * Good analytical and accounting abilities * Excellent organization skills and focused attention to detail * Good time management abilities * Strong ability to work either independently or as part of the team * Good understanding of Microsoft Word Excel, Power Point, MS Office, SIROMS, Office 365, Outlook and Access software applications

