PROFILE Senior Level Digital Designer, Illustrator, Retoucher, Layout/Production Artist, Prepress Technician: Innovative digital artist with a focus on efficiency, quality and integrity. Ability to multi-task and meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment. Extensive experience in new media and conventional methods. Key areas of strength include: Designer, Illustrator, Retoucher : Extensive history, and experience, of successful project ideation, innovation, teamwork and completion. Abilities can be applied to all steps in the job process: From scribbling the idea on a cocktail napkin through final prepress - and everything in between. Able to take a project and "run with it" without the hand-holding or an abundance of input or information. Multitude of examples showing the ability to work with foreign and domestic clients, vendors and partners, internally and externally. Layout/Production Artist Prepress Technician Process Innovation: Applied background knowledge to the organization, creation and design of large-scale programs, requiring strategic thinking while applying tactical solutions. Consistently viewed by clients and teams as the "go-to" guy for individual quick-turnaround jobs and needs. Showed personal initiative and ability through creation of tutorials, manuals and guides. Also served in new-hire mentoring. Proficient in :

