PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY: * Over 8 years of IT experience, with 5 years' experience in Mobile Applications using Android, and experience in analysis, design and development on Java Technologies. * Experience in developing project scopes (budget, timelines and delivery dates), planning, development, testing, documentation, training and delivering enterprise applications with sound knowledge of software development life cycle (SDLC). * Experience in Android UI toolkit (basic/picker/list views, adapters, dialogs, menus) and Layout Managers. * Worked on memory leaks, data offline usage, push notifications, content providers, multiple screen support, accounts &Sync using Android framework APIs, Android SDK&Eclipse IDE along with Android ADT plug in. * Experience in developing Android widget development using widget Tabs and developing content rich applications including animation and transitions. * Experience in developing applications using Agileand Scrummethodologies. Experienced with Android SDK tools: Debugger (DDMS), Device Manager (AVD), Android NDK and Java Native Interface (JNI). * Experience in creating User Experience Guide for developers. * Proficient in Android application framework: Activities, Intents, Services, and Content Provider. Experienced with Android SDK tools: Debugger (DBMS), Device Manager (AVD). * Experience in Android application framework: Activities, Intents, Services, Broadcast Receivers, Bluetooth, Authentication, Camera API * Good Knowledge in designing and developing adaptive UI components, Widget for Android phones with different screen resolutions. * Well experienced in database development Stored procedures/packages, Functions, Table creation Scripts & database triggers with Oracle, SQL, SQLite and MySQL. * Experience with Android Unit Testing & used tools like J-UNIT, Espresso. * Worked on GUI applications using Java SWING and AWT, Java Native Interface (JNI). * Having good experience in developing complex mobile applications. * Integration of the Android based mobile applications with RESTful web services * Analysis, Design, Development, Maintenance and Implementation experience of enterprise, web and client server applications using JAVA/J2EE technologies and Object oriented technology. * Experience in developing server side code with good knowledge of enterprise and persistence design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Prototype, Business Delegate, Session Facade, Service Locator, DAO, ORM, MVC and IOC. * Experience in developing inter-operable Web Services and its related technologies like SOAP, WSDL, UDDI, XML related technologies/tools such as JAXB, JAXP, XSL, XQuery, XPath with good understanding of JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAX-RPC inter-operable issues. * Experience in working with the version control (Git, SVN) Bug tracking tools * Well experienced in database development Stored procedures/packages, Functions, Table creation Scripts & database triggers. * Extensive experience in developing unit testing frameworks using DB Unit, jQuery, a Mock Object and Cactus based on test first or test driven methodology.


Job Skills
