Accomplishments * Managed and owned the component assembly area, the core area of the highly complex CAD application, with nearly one million lines of code alone, including legacy component, developing architecture, designing and creating component interface and toolkit functionality, explode state module, and process for assembly module * Created the first automatic placement of components in an assembly for functionality in CAD to determine the best position for component placement (geometrically) and checking for interference, with an algorithm that smartly imposes all constraints without user intervention * First to develop a revolutionary "explode state assembly" functionality for CAD, enabling a fragmented view of products such as furniture needing assembly, the first to be automated, including animation, generating more sales, seen as the darling of Wall Street * Formed and currently leading a startup with a newly assembled expert team of director, managers, technology fellows, UX, artists from overseas, and developers from a former employer * Raised $200K in funding and built site using outside contractors and our own developers in four months * Built web traffic to 6,000 average page views weekly * Collaborated with MIT in providing a portal for companies to solve day-to-day issues, such as an automated method for bottling donated breast milk, and determining when charity donation bins are full * Currently redeveloping site to provide crowd sourcing solutions and collaboration, to generate reviews from the field * Increased exposure through social media with over 7,000 Facebook "likes" in only two months * Obtained national media exposure with articles in such major industries publications as TechCrunch, EJ Insight, IT Business Net, Crowdfund Beat, and 3D Printing Industry * Led development of new direct modeling CAD system that generated $2M in new revenue in first year of release, one of the biggest projects managed with team of 20-30 and several cross-functional teams, completed in three years * Conceptualized, designed, and led development of robust 3D CAD software for major global manufacturing customers such as Caterpillar, Toyota, John Deere, Boeing, and GE, as Development Lead for direct modeling application for assemblies Profile: Experience, Reputation, Character * Reputation as a mentor and friend/advocate with distinction as a rare technology engineer who can communicate effectively with major customers such as Amazon and GE, conferring on future plans, maximizing productivity from teams, bringing out the best in everyone * Entrusted by senior management and selected as one of very few best capable of running and leading an entire applications department, and as the only developer to create the architecture and write specs * Successfully managed global development teams of over 20, coordinating cross-functional groups and providing architecture, specifications and stories, bridging cultural gaps, serving as go-to and bridge between teams in facilitating problem-solving * A leader respected for integrity who bridges cultural and social gaps and brings cohesion to diverse teams. Currently serve as bridge between team and CEO, bridging cultural and social gap between diverse team and cross-functional groups. * Served as intermediary and as bridge between Israel and Boston offices in providing cohesion, effectively handling conflicts, and mediating disputes * An articulate, exceptionally quick learner who advanced rapidly throughout career and is comfortable communicating with people in any environment * Led recruitment and leadership of large cross-functional teams of developers, artists, UX experts, and media marketers, QA people, and product definition from a diverse cultural and global arena, assuring good employee relations and motivation * Propagated marketing strategies from all social media outlets, ie, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, using web media from TechCrunch, IT Business Net, and EJ Insight * Perform platform technology analysis, provide workflows, UI and functionality for websites * Effectively analyze, design and implement 3D CAD software products * Ran a QA department based in India, owning all tests, writing and modifying many * Built professional relationships of high regard with Product Management, Product Definition and Quality Assurance, positioning self as go-to consultant ahead of any testing * Managed cross-functional teams of developers in an Agile/Scrum environment * Experience working with legal teams in all areas, from incorporation to resolving issues with investors, employees and other companies * A personality that gets people to open up and work more efficiently, allowing everyone a voice * Adept at handling internal politics of large and diverse organizations, dealing effectively with both upper management and subordinates, understanding needs of both customers and employees

University of Virginia | Computer Science Engineering | 1994 | Bachelor Degree |

