Oklahoma Risk assessment, epidemiology, public health, remediation and Clean Water Act and NCP compliance * Work History, Examples Managed multiple offices and a team of over 50 people providing environmental permitting, remediation, and engineering services for a major integrated chemical/oil and gas company Responsible for sales and execution of 10 million in annual environmental and engineering services over a 12-year period for an environmental consultancy Directed detailed engineering and construction services provided to over 20 industrial clients Retained to perform high-level due diligence compliance audits in Permian Basin, including stormwater compliance audits Retained as expert to assess compliance status of oil and gas production activities for a Texas oil company, including stormwater & SPPC status Retained by a major energy company to perform due diligence of production operations, gathering systems, process plants, and terminals in US as part of a billion acquisition. Estimated potential liabilities, future compliance costs, and prepared board presentation Prepared permitting applications, procedures, and compliance systems for the oil and gas operations for a major oil company Retained as an expert to help rebuff over-zealous agency enforcement actions for a major oil company Assessed permitting and land use conflict issues related to industrial operations and residential/non-industrial commercial areas, including due diligence assessments Provided expert testimony in criminal environmental cases, leading to dismissal of allegations Provided expert permitting testimony in contested case administrative hearings re stormwater, air modeling, new source assessments, & compliance Managed development or refinement of stormwater management, SPCC, and LDAR programs for refineries in multiple states, including Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Michigan, Illinois, and Ohio. Consultant for permitting and re-engineering for Strategic Petroleum Reserve sites Managed compliance and corrective action for upstream operations in over 26 states Due diligence assessments for production operations, gathering systems, pipelines, process plants, and refineries in multiple countries Provided site selection and permitting services for multiple chemical plant & refinery expansions Expert consulting relative to air emission controls for industrial & power plants in multiple states Directed Superfund groundwater investigation and remediation services for 39 Superfund Sites Expert services regarding surface water claims related to power plant and lignite mining operations in Central Texas Provided expert consulting relative to power plant & mining impacts for mine mouth plant in East Texas Expert testimony regarding environmental issues at Superfund Sites in Oklahoma, Oregon, California, Arkansas and New Jersey cited in Federal Court rulings in favor of clients and overrule of EPA remedy selection and Texas re environmental issues Managed RCRA and air permitting and site due diligence assessments for chemical plants in Texas other States and internationally Supported successful Daubert challenge of government expert in a criminal case involving air emissions resulting in a civil settlement Provided testimony regarding lack of harm from air emissions at a South Texas refinery Assessed impacts of industrial fires and explosions Assessed environmental impacts that was cited by Federal District Judge and Appeals Courts in ruling that no remediation is required at Charleston facility Developed air source fingerprinting and risk methodology that withstood Daubert challenges in two federal cases in which Federal Judges ruled in favor of ERM clients Modeled refinery chemical plant power plant and mine air emissions for projects in multiple states Developed data management and reporting systems for industrial facilities with training modules

