SUMMARY Former National Bank Examiner, Chief Risk and Regulatory Compliance Officer, Senior Vice-President of Risk Management, and Bank Consultant with vast years of risk management expertise in assessing the levels and trends of risk associated with current and planned activities for community, mid-size and large banks. Risk-based programs focus on designing, developing, and testing strategies, policies, and methodologies in assessing the adequacy of the bank's risk management systems (policies, processes, personnel, and control systems) that identify, measure, monitor, and control risks consistent with safe and sound banking practices. A versatile and motivated team player possessing strong interpersonal, communication, organizational, analytical, and technical skills. Extensive experience in the following risk areas: * Designing and developing risk-based programs that focus on governance risk and compliance by aligning bank risk appetite including policies financial statement and collateral documentation exceptions with strategic objectives capital plan and risk controls. * Formulating policies and procedures by maintaining an awareness of laws regulatory guidance and consumer-protection regulations including Financial Crime management Anti-Money Laundering administration and Bank Secrecy Act requirements. * Performing risk assessments to assess the risk inherent in the bank's products services and business activities based on product materiality. * Completing review documentation by reconciling the primary and secondary sources of repayment to the purpose of the loan. * Conducting transactional testing of the risk controls by mitigating the inherent risk to an acceptable residual risk level after factoring the risk management systems including the bank's policies processes personnel and systems of internal controls. * Performing quantitative and qualitative analyses in stress-testing the elasticity of the loan portfolio and financial flexibility of the borrower and guarantor under a predefined adverse event and scenario assumption using selected risk metrics that represent the predominant risk characteristics of the inherent risk. * Measuring the risk inherent in owner and non-owner occupied commercial real estate lending projects including acquisition development and construction financing for single family multi-family dwellings apartment buildings multi/purpose/tenant office buildings office buildings strip malls condominium and large shopping malls. * Ability assess the project economics including the budget (site acquisition hard and soft cost interest reserve and contingencies) break-even ratio loan structure and appropriate covenant controls * Experience in evaluating construction draws in disbursement program * Knowledgeable in reviewing cash flow statements on an individual transaction and credit relationship basis * Proficient evaluating projections rent rolls and appraisals and * Ability to assess the adequacy of the appraisal review process including ordering reviewing and re-appraising. * Assessing the loan loss reserve risk diversification of the loan portfolio loan review and exception tracking systems.

