To obtain a challenging position of SAS Programmer where I can put in use the best of my knowledge and experience of SAS programming for the growth of the organization. Professional Summary: * SAS certified advanced programmer with around three years of experience as SAS Programmer/Analyst. * Good Knowledge of Clinical Trial Management System (CTMS) & all phases (Phase I -III) of clinical trial. * Extensive experience in creation of SDTM datasets like AE, DM, CM, DS and MH etc. by following the SDTM and Specification. * Extensive experience in creation of ADAM datasets like ADSL, ADLB, ADAE * Good knowledge in creating tables, listing and generating reports and graphs. * Good programming knowledge in validating the data sets. * Good Programming knowledge in SAS/BASE, SAS/ODS, SAS/SQL, SAS/MACRO. * Good Knowledge in Proc Sql, Proc Report, Proc Format, Proc Freq, Summary, and Proc Tabulate, Proc Means. * Thorough knowledge on Operators, Sql Joins, Merge, String Functions, Proc Transpose, Proc Datasets, Formats and In formats. * Good Understanding of CDISC SDTM models and experience in converting legacy data to CDISC SDTM (Study Data Tabulation Model) Standards. * Experienced in developing the third party files RTF. PDF, HTML and MS-EXCEL using SAS ODS facility. * Good Comprehension of FDA and CDISC guidelines, International Conference of Harmonization/Good Clinical Practice (ICH GCP). * Following the Specifications given by the sponsor and according to SDTM. Involved in mapping of Demographics (DM), Disposition (DS), Medical History (MH) and Adverse Event (AE) datasets etc. * Generated specifications on Demographics (DM), Concomitant medication (CM) Adverse Events (AE) domains etc. from raw data. * Prepared new Datasets from raw data files using Import Techniques and modified existing datasets using Set, Merge, and Sort, update, Formats, Functions and conditional statements. * Generate the reports according to the client requirements like PDF, RTF and HTML. * Developed Efficacy and Safety tables including Adverse Events table, Laboratory shift table and Concomitant Medication Tables. * Modified existing datasets using Set, Merge, and Sort, update, Formats, Functions, Conditional statements and procedures. * The reports and listings were generated using proc report, proc means, proc freq, proc univariate, proc print, proc transpose, macro statements, macro functions, and standard macros. * Developed Efficacy and Safety tables including Adverse Events table, Laboratory shift table and Concomitant Medication Tables. Involved in mapping of Demographics (DM) Disposition (DS) Medical History (MH) and Adverse Event (AE) datasets etc. Generated specifications on Demographics (DM) Concomitant medication (CM) Adverse Events (AE) domains etc. from raw data. * Prepared new Datasets from raw data files using Import Techniques and modified existing datasets using Set Merge and Sort update Formats Functions and conditional statements. * Generate the reports according to the client requirements like PDF RTF and HTML. * Developed Efficacy and Safety tables including Adverse Events table Laboratory shift table and Concomitant Medication Tables. Modified existing datasets using Set Merge and Sort update Formats Functions Conditional statements and procedures. * The reports and listings were generated using proc report proc means proc freq proc univariate proc print proc transpose macro statements macro functions and standard macros. * Developed Efficacy and Safety tables including Adverse Events table Laboratory shift table and Concomitant Medication Tables.