Seasoned risk management professional with leadership, strategic planning and development experience from numerous life and work experiences, seeking role in an organization that believes a properly developed and trained workforce is a safe and productive workforce, for the future. ORGANIZATIONAL IMPACTS: * Facilitated risk management and customer service programs on state and region wide level, while promoting active partnerships between the workplace, claims, underwriting, and the agency partner. * Mentored clients to help them recognize and respond to risks, quality defects, and organizational development miscues that negatively impact ROI. * Facilitated human resource functions including: personnel recruitment, organizational development, worker's compensation, safety, contract negotiations, insurance, regulatory compliance, operations and training. * Designed service programs for multi-million dollar accounts for risk control and/or transfer, with a focus on either reduction or elimination of exposures that could lead to a loss. * While serving as the Safety & Training Manager for a middle market furniture company and utilizing my strategic planning background as a college administrator, I helped the company grow to a $50m industry. * Successfully led the team that recruited the largest enrollment in the history of the college. * Consult with and train clients on Drug-Free Workplace programs, Transitional Return-To-Work Programs, Job Hazard Analysis, and utilization of Managed Care networks and ROI as avenues to reduce WC mod factors. * Designed cost impact analysis worksheets to help the client understand how safety and quality impact the ROI. * Networked an industrial park into an area wide adult education center to assist existing and new industries with their new-hire orientation and training needs. * Coordinated intranet publications for regional loss prevention field staff and office personnel. * Analyzed development needs and developed curricula that brought long term value to the bottom line. * Achieved 90% closure on pre-existing injuries, fewer lost days, lower medical costs, reduced lawsuits for claim settlements, and an overall reduction in premium after initiating aggressive accident investigation and, internal claims management assistance programs into human resources policies and procedures. * Requested speaker for Tennessee Safety Congress, SafetyFest, and ASSE.