Occupation:Special Education Teacher |
Location:Eastpoint, FL |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
Meetings Taught (students up to ages 21] Aspergers, Autistic, Juvenile, and Foster Students day to day life skills, such as tying shoes, grooming, preparing meals, applying for a job, computer skills, budgeting, checkingfsavirig accounts, manners, and how to get along with others. I was responsible for IEP/Meetirigs, lesson plans, grades, field trips, and their well being. Wakulla County Schools - Sopchoppy, FL Second Chance Teacher - 'v'E, iEI3D (Full-time] [taught all subjects to a diversified group of students grades 6-12, in a self-contained classroom. I incorporated the A+ computer program for credit recovery and research. [was responsible for lesson plans, grades, life skills, IERsfMeetings for all students who entered the school. Milhous Children's Services - Sacramento, CA Teacher (Full-time] Students were expelled from the Public School for behavioral problems. I taught all middlefhigh school subjects with a focus on positive behavioral strategies and credit recovery for a chance to graduate. Loved working on the ranch, but left for insurance, r'retirement benefits. WCCUSD - El Sobrante, CA Richmond, CA Special Ed TER Teacher (Full-time) TEP Classroom - Self-contained taught all subjects, report cards, reading groups, focused on positive reinforcement strategies for future mainstreaming. helping and encouraging students to reach their goals to become successful.


Job Skills
