Profile I am ambitious and driven professional with extensive knowledge of small molecule drug discovery. Have strong scientific background in inflammation and pain area with a new technical and conceptual idea. Have extensive knowledge and expertise in preclinical in-vivo efficacy models of asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung fibrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis and pain in rodents. Knowledge and experience in setting up radiological laboratory and radioligand receptor binding assays. A self-starter, can work efficiently on own initiative or can integrate easily into a team environment. Drug discovery Career History As a Senior Research Scientist and Research Scientist in Glenmark pharmaceuticals, India from April 2011 to till date This is one of the successful drug discovery organisations in India based at Mumbai. I entered the organisation as research scientist in inflammation and pain team. I am responsible for the standardization and validation of various in-vivo preclinical models of inflammatory diseases (Rheumatoid arthritis, Asthma and Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and Pain (acute and chronic inflammatory pain). Many new chemical entities of various drug discovery programs were profiled for in vivo efficacy. Accomplished scientific excellence award for major contribution in screening of novel mPGES1 inhibitors in various in-vivo preclinical models of inflammatory disease and pain (Achievement - mPGES1 program deal with Forest lab, USA) Duties include: * Responsible for standardization, validation and profiling of NCEs of various drug discovery programs in following in- vivo efficacy models - * MIA induced osteoarthritis pain in Guinea pig * LPS induced acute inflammatory pain in Guinea pig * LPS induced pyrexia and PGE2 release model in Guinea pig * Antigen/CFA induced knee joint arthritis model in Guinea pig * Smoke induced cough and COPD model in Guinea pig * Steroid resistance severe asthma model in mice * Asthma exacerbation model in mice * PPE induced COPD model in mice * TPA / Imiquimod / IL23 induced psoriasis model in mice * Provide technical and conceptual support to the team members * Involve in evaluation and selection of new drug targets for inflammation area * Identify pros and cons of the new drug targets * Collection of relevant scientific literature and knowledge sharing at various platforms * Supervising, training and coaching of one functional reporter As a research scientist and principal research scientist in Advinus Therapeutics Pvt. Ltd (A TATA enterprises), India from August 2006 to March 2011 This was a pure drug discovery and development organisation in India based at Bangalore and Pune. I entered this organisation as a research scientist in the metabolic and inflammation team. During this period in all inflammation programs (CCR1, A2B and JAK3) I worked beyond excellence on my own initiative. I undertook many significant in-vitro and ex-vivo assays and in-vivo preclinical models for development in both metabolic (HAO2, GPR119 and GK) and inflammation (CCR1, A2B and JAK3) area and successfully completed with positive outcome. Based on these performances I got an opportunity to lead inflammation program (A2B) from biology front (Achievement as a A2B program leader - Delivered two clinical candidates) Duties Were Included: * Lead drug discovery program (A2B) for Asthma, COPD and IBD from biology front * Lead in vivo pharmacology team for inflammation programs (A2B and JAK3) * Provide technical and conceptual support to the team * Leading role in drug discovery working group, scientific review and scientific advisory board meetings for inflammation


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