GM & Project Leader-8 mtr radial Caster. Full automation from ABB Ltd ACCOMPLISHMENTS * Training in Siemens, Karlsruhe, and Technical Institute of Clausthal Zellerfield, Germany from May' 85 to Dec' 85 on Latest Automation Techniques and Software. * Training in MTS Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA from June' 1986 to Dec' 1986 on Automation in Hydraulics of Steel Plants (Temposonic in Rolling Mill-patent of MTS) Note: It is difficult to accommodate my knowledge & experience. Request for discussion across the table. Sl. No. Name, Address of Organization Post held Period of Service (From-To) Experience in months Nature of work 04 05 06 SMS India Ltd, 100% subsidiary of SMS, AG Germany, pioneer in Rolling Mill Technology Jindal Steel & Power Ltd Raigarh, Chattisgarh RDCIS, SAIL, Ranchi Bhilai, Bokaro Steel Plant Sr Engineering Manager (Responsible for Project) Manager Operation & Maintenance Sr Engineer for Maintenance 01-04-1998 to 30-11-2005 05-05-1996 to 31-03-1998 16-12-1985 to 30-04-1996 92 months 23 months 124 months Basic, Detail engineering, Drawing approval, testing, erection, commission ing, PG, handover of Electrical unit, PLC, DCS, VVVF, DC Drives. Commissioning of * 6 HI Reversing CVC CRM of SMS in KYCR, Bangladesh * Coil preparation line in INDAL * Automatic packaging & trans - portation line in Hitachi 6 HI Cold Rolling Mill of TISCO Operation & Maintenance of PLC, DCS, VVVF, DC Drive, Control Instrument in EAF, LF, caster, Rolling Mill, CTL, Slitter -Do-

Work Experience
(Confidential) | Sr. Dgm Operation And Maintenance. Worked | 9/2013 - Present |


Job Skills
