Summary: A talented individual with about 1 year of unpaid experience in the field of Geology and its application with 5 years detail study on the following fields like Mineralogy, Structural geology, Geomorphology, Engineering geology, Fuel geology, Ore geology, Exploration geology, Mining geology and Mineral processing, mineral economics, Micro-palaeontology and Marine geology with Stratigraphy, Meteorology, Hydrogeology, Geophysics, Petrology, Remote Sensing and GIS, Environmental Geology and Geodynamics, with more than 200 days field work including sample collection and processing.Also practical experience and research on microfossils for 6 months with written report and also with good communication skills. AVAILABILTY: IMMEDIATELY I have thorough experience in identification of Ore Minerals both Megascopic and Microscopic. * I have also done research and written full report on Lepidorbitoides from Chhokkanathapuram of Kallankurchi formation upper cretaceous of The Tiruchirapalli Cauvery Basin South India: Morphology and Palaeobiogeographic synthesis. Also Research and writing report on Foraminifera (Subbotina Triloculinoides) Cretaceous of Kolasib Mizoram North East-India. * Also I have done Mapping and taking traverses of Quarries in and around Bangalore under Geological Society of India with detailed report written. I have experience in Resistivity survey Gravity survey Magnetic survey Chain survey Radiating survey and Plane table survey . * Also Remote sensing with Aerial photography Stereoscopic projection and GPS. * I have experience in water quality determination for drinking and irrigation purpose. I am experienced in using Arc GIS. * I have completed more than 200 days field work in the branch of geology.

