Occupation:Public Relations Specialist |
Location:Savannah, GA |
Education Level:Bachelor |
Will Relocate:YES |
I bring a unique blend of flexibility, leadership skills, humor and other motivating qualities including education and experience to my work. I am adept at both oral and written communication skills which interact effectively with individuals of all levels. I have earned a reputation as a valuable and cooperative coworker by being fair, kind, honest and willing to help others when needed.

• 8 years as a Marketing Associate working with a team of programmers to create a new Computer Billing System for Fortune 500 Corporations such as GE, IBM and 3M. Saved AT&T and clients 30% by eliminating paper bills. • 3 years acting as a Public Relations Associate for the enhancement of AT&T’s image to raise monies for charities • 5 years experience acting as an Employee Relations Associate organizing activities for employee morale such volleyball, softball and bowling teams, Fourth of July picnics, etc • 2 years writing, editing and researching as Assistant Editor of local, national and international newsletters. Security clearance required. • 2 years managing a team of eight audio visual technicians to produce videos for AT&T with proprietary information. Security Clearance required • Worked 3 years in television production for ABC News and FOX News as a Videographer working alone or with news reporters shooting video of stories for live evening news broadcasts. Also, worked in-studio as a Production Assistant with cameras, sound, lighting, etc., to broadcast those stories • 2years Radio Broadcasting for Georgia Radio Reading Services. Read the local newspaper, The Savannah Morning News, on-air to the Blind. (ActiveCompanies I like:
Gulfstream Areospace C.I.A. Boeing Raytheon Universal Studios

Job Skills

Presently taking classes at local college to upgrade skills in marketing, advertising and computer literacy so I will be an effective leader in the advertising, marketing and communications industry