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Brad C

Urban Planning Engineer - 15 Years of Experience - Near 30263


Urban Planning Engineer


Denver, CO

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY Member of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) Highly motivated and experienced professional providing outstanding and transparent service to the * Proven leader as the designated staff representative presiding over all planning commission activities * Regarded for the ability to provide robust and exceptional presentations for public meetings * Improved departmental efficiency by coordinating and centralizing resources * Entrusted as designated custodian of adopted ordinances * * C A R E E R S KI L L S A N D C O M P E T E N C I E S Land Use Analysis New Urbanism Problem Solving Site Development Review Strategic Planning Creative Ability * * * Program Implementation Environmental Protection Innovative Solutions * * * Urban Design Comprehensive Planning Interpersonal Relations * * * Zoning Procedures Historic Preservation Proactive Self-Starter * * * Public Speaking Building Consensus Independent Worker * * * Development Regulations Public Meeting Facilitation GIS Microsoft Office Suite Adobe * * * Ordinance Compliance Statistical Analysis Acrobat & Photoshop * * * * * PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT HISTORY AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS O CONEE C OUNTY P LANNING D EPARTMENT S enior Planner Watkinsville, Georgia April 2003 to May 2016 * Presided over all Planning Commission activities Served as staff representative to the Planning Commission Duties included scheduling meetings, preparing agendas, legal and public notifications, conducting meetings and maintaining meeting records * Performed compliance reviews for rezoning, special use, and variance requests Generated staff reports for rezoning requests Presented zoning recommendations to the Planning Commission Represented the Planning Department and Planning Commission at Board of Commissioners (BOC) meetings Routinely provided responses to questions about zoning requests, development regulations, policies, legal precedence, and historical zoning actions at the Planning Commission and BOC meetings each month * Assisted Planning Director with implementing department goals and policies Assisted Planning Director with coordinating daily staff duties and obligations, including staff development and training * Served as primary custodian of Oconee County's adopted Unified Development Code (UDC) and comprehensive plan, the Community Agenda Maintained and secured digital and print versions of the adopted UDC Generated and crafted amendments to the UDC Presented amendments to the Planning Commission and the BOC Maintained comprehensive inventory of all adopted ordinances * Managed the department's GIS server and map project inventory Served as primary custodian of the official zoning map Maintained and updated the official hard copy of the zoning maps in service to the County Clerk Created a comprehensive database of all zoning actions back to the original adoption of zoning by the Oconee County in 1968 * Assisted Planning Director with implementing short and long term work programs mandated by the comprehensive plan Duties included researching and gathering data related to demographics, economic development, housing and land use Generated updates to the Future Development Map and drafted revisions to the comprehensive plan Custodian of the official Future Land Use map * Centralized and improved online and intra-office network access to resources utilized by the Planning Department, i.e. tax digest, tax maps, recorded plats and deeds, zoning documents, site development plans, etc. Established and maintained an organizational system for department data and file storage on the County's network servers * Established a designated "help desk" in the department improving staff's proficiency when interacting with the public and responding to general inquiries Evolved help desk to include access to GIS and all available planning resources to maximize efficiency when interacting with the public * Supervised and maintained the department's webpage on the county's website Updated webpages for all agenda items considered by the Planning Commission and BOC Created a publicly accessible online archive of rezoning documents Served under the IT director as one of the County's designated webmasters * Evaluated site development plans for both non-residential and residential projects Coordinated reviews of plans with staff from other county departments assigned to the Oconee County Development Review Committee BRAD CALLENDER, AICP (706) 247-3611 brad.callender@gmail.com B RAD C ALLENDER AICP 138 Greison Trail Apt 5301, Newnan, GA 30263 (706) 247-3611 brad.callender@gmail.com * Supervised and maintained a comprehensive inventory of communication towers located in the County Processed all co-locations, antenna replacements, and tower modifications Performed on-site tower inspections * Provided formal interpretations and rulings of requirements in the UDC to developers, architects, engineers, surveyors and the public Routinely provided informal land use determinations and feedback about development regulations to the public * Processed administrative plats for compliance and approval Established and maintained a comprehensive database of all administrative plats * Attended workshops, training sessions, and planning conferences * Operated fleet vehicles to perform fieldwork, inspections, and other planning related activities RTM/A RBY ' S General Manager Trainee Athens, Georgia August 2002 to April 2003 M C A LISTERS D ELI C ORPORATION General Manager Athens, Georgia June 2001 to July 2002 B RIDGE & S LAUGHTER LLC P LANNING C ONSULTANTS Planner Oxford, Mississippi May 1999 to May 2001 * Performed professional planning services to generate trial exhibits for municipal annexation litigation * Assisted with generating comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances for jurisdictions throughout Mississippi ACCOMPLISHMENTS O CONEE C OUNTY P LANNING D EPARTMENT S enior Planner Watkinsville, Georgia April 2003 to May 2016 * Presided over all Planning Commission activities Served as staff representative to the Planning Commission Duties included scheduling meetings, preparing agendas, legal and public notifications, conducting meetings and maintaining meeting records * Performed compliance reviews for rezoning, special use, and variance requests Generated staff reports for rezoning requests Presented zoning recommendations to the Planning Commission Represented the Planning Department and Planning Commission at Board of Commissioners (BOC) meetings Routinely provided responses to questions about zoning requests, development regulations, policies, legal precedence, and historical zoning actions at the Planning Commission and BOC meetings each month * Assisted Planning Director with implementing department goals and policies Assisted Planning Director with coordinating daily staff duties and obligations, including staff development and training * Served as primary custodian of Oconee County's adopted Unified Development Code (UDC) and comprehensive plan, the Community Agenda Maintained and secured digital and print versions of the adopted UDC Generated and crafted amendments to the UDC Presented amendments to the Planning Commission and the BOC Maintained comprehensive inventory of all adopted ordinances * Managed the department's GIS server and map project inventory Served as primary custodian of the official zoning map Maintained and updated the official hard copy of the zoning maps in service to the County Clerk Created a comprehensive database of all zoning actions back to the original adoption of zoning by the Oconee County in 1968 * Assisted Planning Director with implementing short and long term work programs mandated by the comprehensive plan Duties included researching and gathering data related to demographics, economic development, housing and land use Generated updates to the Future Development Map and drafted revisions to the comprehensive plan Custodian of the official Future Land Use map * Centralized and improved online and intra-office network access to resources utilized by the Planning Department, i.e. tax digest, tax maps, recorded plats and deeds, zoning documents, site development plans, etc. Established and maintained an organizational system for department data and file storage on the County's network servers * Established a designated "help desk" in the department improving staff's proficiency when interacting with the public and responding to general inquiries Evolved help desk to include access to GIS and all available planning resources to maximize efficiency when interacting with the public * Supervised and maintained the department's webpage on the county's website Updated webpages for all agenda items considered by the Planning Commission and BOC Created a publicly accessible online archive of rezoning documents Served under the IT director as one of the County's designated webmasters * Evaluated site development plans for both non-residential and residential projects Coordinated reviews of plans with staff from other county departments assigned to the Oconee County Development Review Committee BRAD CALLENDER, AICP (706) 247-3611 brad.callender@gmail.com B RAD C ALLENDER AICP 138 Greison Trail Apt 5301, Newnan, GA 30263 (706) 247-3611 brad.callender@gmail.com * Supervised and maintained a comprehensive inventory of communication towers located in the County Processed all co-locations, antenna replacements, and tower modifications Performed on-site tower inspections * Provided formal interpretations and rulings of requirements in the UDC to developers, architects, engineers, surveyors and the public Routinely provided informal land use determinations and feedback about development regulations to the public * Processed administrative plats for compliance and approval Established and maintained a comprehensive database of all administrative plats * Attended workshops, training sessions, and planning conferences * Operated fleet vehicles to perform fieldwork, inspections, and other planning related activities RTM/A RBY ' S General Manager Trainee Athens, Georgia August 2002 to April 2003 M C A LISTERS D ELI C ORPORATION General Manager Athens, Georgia June 2001 to July 2002 B RIDGE & S LAUGHTER LLC P LANNING C ONSULTANTS Planner Oxford, Mississippi May 1999 to May 2001 * Performed professional planning services to generate trial exhibits for municipal annexation litigation * Assisted with generating comprehensive plans and zoning ordinances for jurisdictions throughout Mississippi


CollapseWork Experience


Oconee County Planning Department Senior Planner 4/2003 - 5/2016



University of Miami Congress for the New Urbanism Accreditation 2017 Certification Degree
University of Southern Mississippi Community & Regional Planning Bachelor Degree

CollapseSocial Media


Book Planning & Urban Design Standards media url Broad array of essential planning information developed by more than 200 contributors from leading private and urban design firms, academia, and public agencies across the United States.
Book Charter of the New Urbanism media url Adopted by CNU members in 1996. The Charter sets forth a positive vision for our communities and New Urbanists' commitment to tackling problems in an interdisciplinary way, and involving those most affected by design decisions, citizens.
Book The High Cost of Free Parking (Updated) media url Proposes new avenues to manage parking; Changing fair market prices for curb parking, using revenue to fund enhanced public services in metered neighborhoods, and removing zoning requirements for off-street parking.





CollapseJob Skills


