Profile Accredited Chemical Engineer with over 10 years' experience in health, safety and environment, quality assurance, drilling fluids handling for off-shore & on-shore sites, developing personnel for major operators and service companies, such as Halliburton, TOTAL, Shell, PETRO-CANADA and Saudi Aramco, in the oil and gas industry in the US and Middle East. Major Accomplishments Summary * Responsible for reviewing and recommending drilling fluids programs, chemicals QA/QC, rig visits and technical support and lab auditing for over 60 drilling rigs in largest conventional oil & deep gas field in the world (Ghawar Field) for Saudi Aramco. * In charge of chemicals forecast, mixing process procedures and logistics of heavy and highly corrosive brines, such as Calcium Bromide, Zinc Bromide, Sodium and Potassium Formate brines, in a 16,000 barrel capacity plant. * Experienced in brine modeling and designing software to achieve lowest cost blends according to brine's compatibility, weight and TCT (true crystallization temperature). * Have worked in high challenging areas and under difficult conditions with major operators in the Middle East (TOTAL, Shell, PETRO-CANADA and Saudi Aramco) with high customer satisfaction. * Possess a very thorough knowledge of laboratory procedures, testing equipment, and health, safety & environment standards. * Acquired in-depth knowledge of dealing with concentrated sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide (caustic soda). * Have encountered and effectively dealt with well control, underground blow outs and high levels of acid gases contamination, such as H2S, CO and CO2. * Full knowledge of hydraulics modeling software that accurately accounts for the effects of fluid compressibility and thermal expansion on fluid density. * Worked for one year on developing industrial wastewater treatment processes for graduation project membrane filtration processes, such as reverse osmosis, and ion exchange processes, such as electro-dialysis.

Work Experience
Halliburton Baroid Fluid Services | Senior Technical Professional Senior Drilling Fluids Engineer Drilling Fluids Engineer, Egyptian Mud Engineering & Chemicals Syria | 10/2013 - 10/2013 |
Pes Co. (Petro Environmental Services Company) | Senior Pollution Response Operator | 8/2005 - 1/2006 |


Job Skills
