Obtain gainful emplovment to aubeidiae retirement from teaching and to become a uaeful and productive member of a companv concerned not only vvith eucceee, but vvith aatiefving ite value to the communitjv. Proven Reeponaibilitiee: Ae a leader aboard a nuclear aubmarine, dailv ei-:periencea led to oituationa ranging from helpleaaneaa to heroiam, enabling me to vvorlc vvith people and triala of varied tvpea. Thie allovved me to aucceed in joba vvhere cuatomer ei-:periencec and companv expectatione vvere often contradictorv, vet expected. Theee experiencee and othera along the vvav aoliditied mv aucceaa aa a teacher for manv underprivileged etudente and made me a teacher of reepect among mv peera and the communitv