Occupation:Chief Technology Officer |
Location:South Deerfield, MA |
Education Level:Master |
Will Relocate:YES |
AREAS OF EXPERTISE: * Organic and Organically Based Product Development * Expert in Biostimulants, hybrid biostimulants and organic fertilizers * Waste to Energy and Fertilizer Production: Aerobic and Anaerobic Digestion Technologies. * Biological and Organic Based Systems for Disease Suppression/Control. * Development of Organic/Organic Based Management/Cultural Systems. * Plant Mineral Nutrition/Fertilizer Technologies. * Turfgrass Management/Science. Evaluation Involved in the design and procedures for the anaerobic digestion of poultry waste into liquid and granular fertilizers as well as biogas energy. * Developed base products from digestor as well as several organic and synthetically bridged products for various agricultural sectors. * Responsible for all OMRI/NOP product certifications. * Petitioned NOP for the use of mineral acids in product preservation. * Wrote USDA grant in support of the patented anaerobic digestion technology of poultry waste. * Initiated university level product evaluations at Univ. of Illinois, Iowas St. Univ. of aerobically digested food waste materials as potential liquid and granular organic fertilizers and biostimulants. * Developed testing/efficacy programs at several major universities and major agricultural growers golf course superintendents for evaluation of new products. * Extensive travel throughout the U.S. and Caribbean Islands setting up test sites and meeting with large growers and potential distributors. * Wrote all technical articles and product content on website * Initiated university based product evaluations at Univ. of Rhode Island Rutgers University and Cornell Univ.

