
Philip W

Federal Government - 4 Years of Experience - Near 63042


Federal Government


Hazelwood, MO

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



I have a BA in Math and am trying to figure out what is best for me in my area because My father has had 4 heart attacks by 57! I want to stay around for a couple of yrs in case my mother needs help! I screwed up some mainly taking to long to graduate but had to get a job working 40 hrs a week and going to school at the same time! I have worked there for 7 yrs! When I was starting out in college I realized like my father we are both people with over 160 IQ's so it is very hard for us to sit in classes that don't challenge! When I left high school I got a 5 on the ap final for Calc I and a four own the final for calc II and scored a 35 on the ACT! So did I waste some of my strengths not an excuse but when you have seen your father almost die 5-7 times took a lot of of the family which is an outstanding one my parents have been married 36 yrs and my younger brother who tore his ACL bad cant ever play a sport ever again and started at 8 with my dad being his assistant coach! And had started both ways his senior yr and 3rd game was injured! But my brother graduated a yr early from high school he just turned 17 and is starting college in the fall! With sports and the concert band and the Jazz band after playing the Baritone Sax for 7 yrs! So versatile I am very proud of him and to help the family has started working at the same place I have worked at a grocery store where I work at the bistro and deli counter and he just bags because he just turned 17! We both know that we have to help the family not angry about it ever! Love my father so much he has always been there plus he has duel degrees a BS in Chemical Engineering and a BS in Economics, with minors in Accounting , statistics, and Business. My house anything below a b in any math or science class was required! He taught his last 10 yrs after retiring at 39 for us to move to Kauai HI. When he came back to the mainland my mom said you have always wanted to teach he sure didn't do it for the pay! He used to always say lowest paying job ever but the most satisfaction of any job! He wanted to try and pay GOD back for the blessing we had received! His lastjob before his 4th heart attack was to teach Algebra in East St Louis where for his first two months he was the old fat cracker math teacher until the kids figured out he worked their because he wanted to pay GOD back for saving his life and thought this would be something most people with his education didn't have to work there he figured these kids needed the help he was the only math teacher ever in his public teaching job of teaching algebra I and II! He had a 200 student waiting list to get into his class! So I just want to make him proud of me! So who ever I work for I will give the job every thing I have! Which might not look like it in my transcript ,but not an excuse just hard to work 40 hrs and pass these classes! My Dad First job after he graduated was he and a London broker and my grandfather who controlled the General Dynamics at the time a 10 billion dollar defense firm! That was in the right place at the right time after the Shuttle exploded it was carrying two Japanese high def tv Satellites With his backround he was the only person on my grandfather's team of ten that had the math skills the skills to look at currency changes that would help with pricing it was a 90 launch job which Him and a London broker because at the time to insure one of these launches was 23% for one offs! They manuscpited a policy for 90 launches over a 7 yr period where 40 of the launches were classified Military launches! Pads 36 A and B. When they placed it was the biggest policy Lloyds had ever down! No one would take the whole risk so they had to place it all over the world he avg for 8 yrs of flying 116,000 miles a yr! He took me to so many vip seating for his launches and the Shuttle. What a cool dad he would get a 30 day all access pass to the cape to me in the shuttle building, mission control and up to the top of a launch tower! How many kids have been exposed to that! He had a top secret compartment clearance highest you could get! Been down in a sub for three days, driven an M1A1 tank firing at targets at 60 mph and hitting them going in reverse. Wouldn't ride the rocket an F-16 that was too much for him. So just trying to tell you why I love all the government things my dad did and a lot of his satellites are still functioning 8 yr life expectancy! He was a civilian who was a big part of a government job that had to be done, I would love to do anything like that my dad always says to start somewhere and go from there met Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton 4 times having to go to 4 5000 a plate dinners with him he actually sat at a table of six with Bill Clinton and the heads of at&t when Bill Clinton finally asked him why was he there because there is no doubt that my dad was a major conservative and his answer was because GD was owned by the Crown Family who run the Concrete business in Chicago at they are all dems and you guys are going to win so He had to back you! We were given to consultants one the secretary of the DNC and another guy who was a money broker! For the 20 yrs I saw my dad write a check to each one of these guys 250,000 and I never saw them at any companies functions! My grandfather was making 2.5 million per yr and most of the 9 that worked for him including my self made 150,000- 400,000! He always told his students he was at the right place at the write time with the skills to do the job so education most important thing in your live! Either having a high school diploma to go to college or a GRD and what I had suggested that the Armory in East St Louis was huge and they had experts in everything a tech school could teach! If Donald Trump is elected and he does some how bring manufacturing jobs back to this country by lowering corporate tax rates and taking away all federal restrictions like EPA and all the other government offices that have restriction that strangle the live blood out of the company! Just for 3-4 yrs until we could pay back some of the debt each yr by taking all the fraud and waste from every government agency! If we could teach African Americans the skills to get a good paying job with any of these companies. Maybe we could get a lot of people off welfare and food stamps to get them good paying jobs . The kids I taught just wanted the same chance a getting the skilled jobs! We could have a new generation of tax paying confidence that a lot of African Americans lost when at one time St Louis had 8 car factories, two world head quarts of two huge companies! I think it would be something to help race relations in my town that I think Obama has tried to divide us and I think if there were a lot of skilled labor jobs that no illegal alien could even apply! I have a way that might work with illegal aliens have them try and make it through boot camp and put 3-5 million people in are armed forces! Fighting side by side which is what African Americans have done since the revolutionary war through every other That's why I think they have earned the name African American's! I would love to be a part of that happing! Please I need a good job and you won't be disappointed!





