Pvt Understanding the process of conversion of the formed chassis into a coach through the process of the body on frame construction. Hands-on learning in manufacturing techniques like riveting and welding. Ltd Chennai India June 2013 A good design does not end with manufacturing it ends in easier serviceability. Gained hands-on experience on addressing the servicing hindrance that some designs caused as certain automobile parts were replaced. PROJECTS Design and Simulation of a tail stock of lathe using Pro/Engineer Wildfire 5.0 Stress and Deflection Analysis of a cantilever beam (2D - Plane Stress) using analytical method Ansys and MATLAB for different element types and mesh sizes - Convergence Study * Designed an INTELLIGENT HEADLAMP SYSTEM - inspired from the human eye a new comprehensive headlamp system to rival the safety features offered in executive high-end automobiles. My design was shortlisted as one among the top futuristic automobile designs in India by Valeo India and internationally ranked it among the top 25% of all designs submitted to Valeo. Patent process for the same is underway. * Design optimization of a Cantilever type MEMS switch using MATLAB * Design and fabrication of cone clutch
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