My name is Denisse Alexandra Guevara Suarez, and I am from Venezuela. Currently, I have a position as a research associate in the Molecular Virology laboratory of the Venezuelan Institute of Scientific Research (IVIC). As detailed in my CV, my scientific formation, laboratory experience and skills (graduate), have been mainly focused on molecular biology, immunology and biochemistry in the projects I have been involved included: I'm a biologist, cell biology references, with the HIV virus and hepatitis, I'm good with the basic techniques of molecular biology PCR, PCR, DNA and RNA extraction, cell cultures, mammalian cells, bacterial cultures, Western blot analysis, agarose gel electrophoresis, real time PCR, polyacrylamide gel and Cloning gene. PROYECTS RESEARCH IN PROGRESS AND CULMINATED 1. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF HIV. BASIC RESEARCH ORIENTED. ASSESSMENT SEROPREVALENCE HIV-1 IN OUR COUNTRY WITH A FOCUS ON THE DETECTION OF FORMS OF VIRUS RECOMBINANTS. 2. CAPACITY EXPANSION OF MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS FOR VIRUS IN VENEZUELA Human Immunodeficiency. IMPROVING MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS FOR HIV IN VENEZUELA. 3. MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CO-INFECTIONS AMONG THE VIRUS OF HEPATITIS AND HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS. DETERMINING THE BEHAVIOR OF HEPATITIS VIRUS (VHB) DURING THE CO-INFECTED WITH HUMAN IMMUNODEFICIENCY VIRUS (HIV), MOLECULAR AND INFECTIONS IN TERMS ATYPICAL (RESERVOIRS EXTRAHEPATIC AND HIDDEN INFECTIONS), TO ASSESS THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO WORSE PROGNOSIS OF THESE DISEASES.


Job Skills
