- 5 Created weeklv newsletter email campaign l'or" Plavgrou nd" database_' objective to connect potential sponsors and donors to the organization. Pespon sible for various social media functions including creation of lnstagram page for Leukemia -F-a Lvmphoma Societv. updating Facebook account. design ads for Fa ce boo k. design print ads. producing wee klv team emails. Pespon sible for writing posts about special events and content to sp read awareness oflithe LLS . Provided event logistic coordination for events" Light the l'~light" and "Beast Feast 201 5 Athletic Event Staff Manger. Managed set up of college sporting events and sold college sporting paraphernalia to students fans and alumni. Maintained Webster Ll n iversitv sports team tsvitter account posted othcial announcements and engages studentand fans on behalfof Webster Lin iversitv. Email: Ahmadki93@val1oo.con1 Phone: 314-456-4243

