13 years as an environmental consultant serving in the role as a project industrial Supervisor: Nick DaSantos, Environmental Services Manager 770-425-0777. (Reference Ken Warren, CIH, Industrial Hygiene Technical Principal, 843-884-0005. (Reference provided upon request) * MANAGED AND DIRECTED INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE INVESTIGATIONS at governmental, educational, industrial, and manufacturing facilities. Work included evaluating various workplace settings to identify known and unknown chemical, physical, and biological stressors developing cost effective sampling plans interpreting field and laboratory results and providing recommendations to eliminate or control the workplace stressor (s). * CONDUCTED ASBESTOS, LEAD-BASED PAINT, and RESPIRATOR SAFETY & AWARENESS TRAINING for S&ME manufacturing and construction clients. * CONDUCTED JOB HAZARD ANALYSES on S&ME employees in the Kennesaw, GA branch performing various environmental and industrial hygiene work. provided upon request) Providing Respirator Training material and consulting. Project Manager/Industrial Hygienist conducting total dust, respirable dust (as crystalline silica (quartz)), and fiberglass employee exposure monitoring using active sampling techniques and direct read particulate meter at a carpet manufacturing facility in *

