PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Strong background in computer maintenance, troubleshooting, configuration, technical support and installation of basic computer hardware and software. * Proficient in computer operations and various software applications: DOS, Windows 3.X, 95, 98, Windows NT Server 4.0, Microsoft Office, Attachmate Products, Remedy, Exchange, and various healthcare software. * Provide technical support and configurations of TCP/IP, IPX, DNS/WINs frame relay, mainframe and mid range. Support IBM, Compaq, Hewlett Packard, Unix, Dumb, and Dell desktops, laptops, PC's, peripherals and servers. * Create and maintain web servers using Microsoft Internet Information Service 4.0 Net Bios, PPP/PPTP, RAS, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator. * Proficient in staff computer training. * People oriented with excellent organizational and communication skills. * Possess a top secret security clearance.

