SUMMARY Twenty eight years of experience as a coach and educator. Sixteen years head coaching experience. Development of student athletes in life skills. Mentoring of coaches and players. Collaboration with sports professionals. Identifying and recruiting talented athletes. Building championship level teams and programs. Fundraising for scholarships and athletic department advertising. CAREER HIGHLIGHTS Named top 20 recruiters by Hoop Scoop ~ Helped recruit #1 st, #5 th, and #11 th ranked recruiting classes at three different universities~ Recipient Charles Krigel National Coaching Award ~ Made college basketball history coaching team from 4-24 record to 23-11 following season. COACHING EXPERIENCE The Coaches Ally Nashville, TN Founder and Owner July 2015 to present Started company to help young coaches advance and elevate in the profession. Mentor coaches through speaking at national conferences, one on one consulting, Podcasts, Video and online lessons. The Ensworth School Nashville, TN Assistant Coach November 2015 - March 2016 Team won the Gulfshore Holiday Hoopfest and State Tournament Runner-Up. Louisiana State University (LSU) Baton Rouge, LA Director of Basketball Operations 2012 - 2015 Travel coordination for road trips and maintain files and information surrounding team travel, event participation, and guest entry. Contact with Athletic Business Office for transportation, lodging, meals, etc. Game scheduling, negotiation of game contracts, assist in working with the SEC, independent event organizers and other programs for future games. Coordinated mail for prospective student-athletes. Director for (LSU) basketball camps. Helped organize community service projects with the men's basketball team and our Life Skills department. Devised stats to charts defensive/offensive efficiency during games. Work with Marketing Department to assist in making each game a better "Fan Experience". Created a database and newsletter for high school coaches in Louisiana and within a 400- mile radius of the LSU campus. Tournament coordinator for LSU with the NIT Tournament and NCAA Tournament. Worked with tournaments involving FOX Sports, CBS Sports, and ESPN: Paradise Jam, Legends Classic (Brooklyn, NY), Maui Invitational, Battle for Atlantis (Bahamas). Belhaven University Jackson, MS Head Basketball Coach 2005 - 2012 Directing basketball program recruiting, scouting, academic progress of players, player development, practice planning, pre-season, and off-season conditioning programs. Director for all basketball camps (both winter and summer camps), established alumni base with former basketball players and coaches, supervision of coaching staff and student workers. Greater Atlanta Christian School Norcross, GA Head Boys' Basketball Coach 2002 - 2005 Directing Basketball Program 7th thru 12th grade, teaching Junior High Basketball classes, organizing Basketball schedules, budget, scouting, practices with Varsity Programs and teaching 9th and11th grade Bible Classes. University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL Assistant Coach 1998 - 2001 Recruiting, scouting, practice planning, working with post players, off-season conditioning and individual workouts, camp instructor for basketball camps, speaking to Alumni Groups and Booster Clubs around the state and southeast. Murray State University Murray, KY Assistant Coach 1995 - 1998 Recruiting, scouting, practice planning, working with post players, off-season conditioning and individual workouts, director and instructor in the school's basketball camps. Lipscomb University Nashville, TN Assistant Coach 1994 - 1995 Worked for Hall of Fame Coach Don Meyer, recruiting, scouting and working with team in daily practices. Faulkner University Montgomery, AL Athletic Director and Head Basketball Coach 1989 - 1994 Administration of Athletic Department and directing Basketball program. Athletes in Action (AIA) Assistant Basketball Coach Summer 1990 Division I team touring Greece and Poland. Team played national teams from Sweden, Italy, Turkey, and Poland. Franklin Road Academy Nashville, TN Head Basketball Coach, Boys' Varsity Tennis Coach and Teacher 1988 - 1989 Brentwood Academy Brentwood, TN Assistant Basketball Coach, Tennis Coach and Teacher 1987 - 1988 PLAYING EXPERIENCE Athletes in Action basketball team Team toured Bolivia, Peru, and Brazil. Lipscomb University Four-year Varsity Basketball player, Four year record 108-32. Two year Captain. Team Ranked #1 and won the 1986 NAIA National Championship.

