SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS From 2004 - 2015 as Laboratory Supervising Manager/ISTIII and Lab Instructor, my responsibilities have consisted of the operation, maintenance, compliance and budgetary functions of thirty two weekly Biology laboratory teaching sections including the culturing, storage, maintenance and disposal of pathogenic and non pathogenic bacterial species, as well as the designing and implementation of new biological experiments, testing procedures and protocols for Pre-Clinical Microbiology, Medical Bacteriology, Advanced Molecular Biology and General Biology with a molecular and genetic focus for CLS and biology majors, graduate / undergraduate students of a diverse population. I have been the recipient of Staff Awards of Excellence for Outstanding Educational Support, elected senator to the Academic Senate, continuing Chair of the Animal Care and Safety Committee, Department Liaison to Environmental Compliance Specialist and Health and Safety Inspector and Floor warden for natural disasters and fire safety RESEARCH: Laboratory In-situ hybridization and immunofluorescence to investigate the expression and localization of identified candidate genes that encode a heteroligomeric protein complex that comprise ENaCs in taste tissue of Drosophila melanogaster Cal State Dominguez Hills Carson, CA P.I.- Dr. Monica Gorman Laboratory Using immunohistochemistry and western analysis to investigate the expression and localization of neurotrophins during gastric wound healing and reinnervation in rat models Director - Dr. Andrzej Tarnawski Veterans Affairs Research Center Veterans Affairs Hospital Long Beach, CA Laboratory Using behavioral assays, RT-PCR and Blast searches to identify genes which may encode Na ion channels that enable Drosophila melanogaster to taste salty and sour foods Cal State Dominguez Hills Carson, CA P.I.- Dr. Monica Gorman