

Roxane R

Air Force - 20 Years of Experience - Near 30023


Air Force


Alpharetta, GA

Education Level:


Will Relocate:



QUALIFICATIONS: ASSIGNMENT/JOB HISTORY: July 2012 - Present: Deputy Reserve Forces Officer, CAP-USAF South East Liaison Region, Reserve Assistance Program. (IR Category E) Supervises all CAP-USAF personnel in the South East Liaison Region (SELR). Proved technical advice and assistance in administering the CAP Reserve Assistance Program (CAPRAP) in the five-state SELR. Supports the CAP region/CC in accomplishing the threefold mission of the AF auxiliary: aerospace education (AE), cadet programs and emergency services (ES). Evaluates CAP's ability to perform noncombat missions of AF to include search and rescue (SAR), disaster relief (DR) and homeland security (HLS) operations. Wartime replacement for SELR/CC June 2007 - July 2012: Reserve Forces Officer, CAP-USAF North Central Liaison Region, Reserve Assistance Program. (IR Category E) Supervises all CAP-USAF personnel in the North Central Liaison Region (NCLR). Proved technical advice and assistance in administering the CAP Reserve Assistance Program (CAPRAP) in the seven-state NCLR. Supports the CAP region/CC in accomplishing the threefold mission of the AF auxiliary: aerospace education (AE), cadet programs and emergency services (ES). Evaluates CAP's ability to perform noncombat missions of AF to include search and rescue (SAR), disaster relief (DR) and homeland security (HLS) operations. Wartime replacement for NCLR/CC May 2006 - April 2007: Deputy Reserve Forces Officer, CAP-USAF North Central Liaison Region, Reserve Assistance Program. (IMA Category B) Assists Reserve Force Officer supervise all CAP-USAF personnel in the North Central Liaison Region (NCLR). Proved technical advice and assistance in administering the CAP Reserve Assistance Program (CAPRAP) in the seven-state North Central Liaison Region (NCLR). Supports the CAP region/CC in accomplishing the threefold mission of the AF auxiliary: aerospace education (AE), cadet programs and emergency services (ES). Evaluates CAP's ability to perform noncombat missions of AF to include search and rescue (SAR), disaster relief (DR) and homeland security (HLS) operations. Wartime replacement for NCLR/CC May 2005 - May 2006: Wing Reserve Coordinator, CAP-USAF North Central Liaison Region, Reserve Assistance Program (IMA Category B). Supervised all CAP-USAF personnel in the states of Missouri and Kansas. Proved technical advice and assistance in administering the CAP Reserve Assistance Program (CAPRAP) in the seven-state North Central Liaison Region (NCLR). Supports the CAP region/CC in accomplishing the threefold mission of the AF auxiliary: aerospace education (AE), cadet programs and emergency services (ES). Evaluates CAP's ability to perform noncombat missions of AF to include search and rescue (SAR), disaster relief (DR) and homeland security (HLS) operations. Wartime replacement for NCLR/CC Nov 2003 - May 2004: Liaison Officer, CAP- USAF North Central Liaison Region, Reserve Assistance Program. (IR Category E) Proved technical advice and assistance in administering the CAP Reserve Assistance Program (CAPRAP) in the seven-state North Central Liaison Region (NCLR). Supports the CAP region/CC in accomplishing the threefold mission of the AF auxiliary: aerospace education (AE), cadet programs and emergency services (ES). Evaluates CAP's ability to perform noncombat missions of AF to include search and rescue (SAR), disaster relief (DR) and homeland security (HLS) operations. Wartime replacement for NCLR/CC Jul 2002 - Nov 2003: Military Equal Opportunity Officer for the 932 Scott Air Force Base, Scott, IL. Advises and assists commanders and supervisors in administering social action activities, including equal opportunity, and human relations programs. Develops and conducts Unit Climate Assessments for all unit commanders on base to give commanders a snap shot of the current human relations of their unit. Apr 1996 - Jul 2002: Military Equal Opportunity Officer for the 913 AW Willow Grove ARS, Willow Grove, Pa. Advises and assists commanders and supervisors in administering social action activities, including equal opportunity, and human relations programs. Develops and conducts Unit Climate Assessments for all unit commanders on base to give commanders a snap shot of the current human relations of their unit. Sep 1995 - Apr 1996: Executive Officer for the 913 AW Willow Grove ARS, Willow Grove, Pa. Developed and defines programs to perform DOD and Air Force mission. Directed information life cycle programs. Managed staff support and command activities. Planned and supported information management activities.





