Pharmacology experiment dissection of the rat animal and perform the PD2/PA2 value of different drug using rat ileum perform various CNS drug effect on the mice/rat perform estrus cycle of rat find t the RBC value WBC value blood group bleeding time clotting time hemoglobin content of own blood perform the urine analysis on own urine perform the blood test of rat/mice Inorganic and Organic chemistry separation and identification of organic binary mixture perform the synthesis of different chemical like acetanilide benzyl 2 3 diphenyl quinoxaline etc.perform the wet chemistry practical like all type of titration. Biochemistry: perform chemical test of carbohydrate and protein sample find out %w/v glucose and ascorbic acid by different method perform biochemistry on food stuffs Pharmaceutical analysis perform the active ingredient test and weight variation test of the metformin amiloride HCL chloramphenicol capsule cotrimoxazole as per IP- 96 Pharmacognosy: perform morphological microscopic and chemical test of different plant TLC study of various herbal drug isolation and identification of active ingredient from herbal drug manufacturing of different herbal product like cough syrup cold cream tooth paste face wash analgesic ointment shampoo hair oil Pharmaceutics evaluation of different excipient and their effect on formulation like suspending agent diluents binders emulsifying agent lubricants etc. preparation physical and chemical evaluation of tablet capsule solution suspension emulsion aerosols sodium alginate beds buccal patch and buccal film. Microbiology: preparation of various growth media. Identification of microbes by staining tecnique. Isolation of microorganism by different method.


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