Senior executive experiences for technology companies run the gamut from General Manager in global enterprises to Chief Executive for venture-backed startups to company founder. Have run large global businesses with full P&L, strategic planning, product line and IP portfolios, operations, marketing, M&A, and business development. For startups, a serial entrepreneur, Chief Executive, industry spokesperson, co- founder, board member, fund raiser, enterprise builder and investor advocate. Through extraordinary opportunity as well as adversity, have had the privilege of leading diverse, talented and entrepreneurial teams to success, thriving in the face of challenges in different company/business stages: embryonic, development, growth, distressed, restructuring, turnaround and exit. Grounded in engineering, adeptly transitioning between different technology markets: optical networking, voice processing, enterprise communications, wireless, software, nanotechnology, lighting, building controls, energy efficiency, financial service products and materials. Career highlights: run a $1B+ telecommunications line of business, led the M&A Team of a $10B global business unit, served as CEO of 3 venture backed startups, served as the top marketing executive at a $2B company and founded companies for which I have raised over $125M. Seeking a Senior role for a technology company (from growth stage to global) utilizing these skills in order to play a significant role in helping my new company achieve exceptional results.
- C-Suite
- Technology Executive
- General Manager
- Business Development
- Marketing
- Serial Entrepreneur
- Management
- Consulting
- Business Planning
- Planning
- Voice
- Business Development
- Infrastructure
- AT&T
- Management
- Consulting
- Voice
- Business Planning
- Marketing Management
- Planning
- Business Development
- Infrastructure