Ms. Skinner Park, Chicago, IL Ms. Mehta performed field oversight of environmental remediation activities in support of the redevelopment of a vacant lot into a public park. Oversaw and tracked excavation, stockpiling, loading, hauling, importing and disposal of material to verify completion of required engineered barriers and gather the necessary information required to prepare a Remedial Action Completion Report (RACR). Ms. Mehta worked with the project manager and contractor to coordinate project tasks, enforce the design drawings and specifications as per the regulations and owner's contract. Tracked waste disposal and prepared summary reports, including work for the Remedial Action Completion Reports (RACRs). The City of Chicago received a No Further remediation (NFR) letter for the site in 2015. Mehta assisted the client in environmental site assessment supplemental site investigation and SRP reporting using the risk based approach established under the IEPA's Tiered Approach to Corrective Action Objectives (TACO) in order to secure a comprehensive No Further Remediation (NFR) letter. The work was performed in accordance with the 2FM's professional standards. The IEPA approved the CSIR/ROR/RAP Report in 2015. Ms. Mehta assisted with the preparation of exhibits for Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the 2FM's site located at E 71st Street and S. Crandon Avenue Chicago Illinois. The Phase I and II ESA reports and exhibits were prepared in accordance with the formats and outlines provided by 2FM with TOR as applicable to the scope of work. Mehta assisted the Village with completing the Remediation Action Completion Report (RACR) and RACR Addendum under IEPA's Municipal Brownfields Redevelopment Grant (MBRG) and the Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) to implement client's most recent redevelopment plan. Ms. Mehta also completed the vapor intrusion exposure route analysis in accordance with TACO amendments and assisted the village in reimbursement activities. The Village of Schaumburg received a no further remediation (NFR) letter on November 7 2014. Assisted in preparation of Remedial Objectives Report and Remedial Action Plan Addendum to pursue regulatory closure via the IEPA Site Remediation Program. The Public Building Commission of Chicago (PBC) received a no further remediation (NFR) letter on May 30, 2015. Terracon recorded the No Further Remediation (NFR) letter in the Cook County Recorder of Deeds office and submitted a certified copy to IEPA. Public Building Commission of Chicago Oriole Park Elementary School Annex Ms. Mehta prepared the initial draft environmental remediation drawings and subsequent design drawings that captured key environmental findings and guidance, which were incorporated into the Architect's design and bid documents. Reviewed specifications, drawings and contractor submittals related to environmental remediation work including management of soil, storm, onsite/offsite groundwater, soil stockpiling etc. for environmental compliance. Prepared biweekly environmental oversight status report that included the field map, import/export load summary, submittal log and photographs. Mehta assisted with preparation and submission of response to IEPA comments in the letter dated June 30 2009 and an Indoor Inhalation Exposure Route assessment for the site located at 3739-45 South Indiana Avenue Chicago Illinois. IEPA issued a Focused No Further Remediation (NFR) letter for the site on September 4 2014. Mehta assisted in the preparation of the Comprehensive Site Investigation Report Remediation Objective Report and Remedial Action Plan (CSIR/ROR/RAP) which was approved by IEPA. A draft No Further Remediation Letter (NFR) was issued by the agency in the letter dated April 4 2014.

