Responsible for curriculum revision and maintenance. Curriculum may involve electronics, welding, of more highly technical areas such as radio and electronics repair or operation of weapons systems. Routinely prepared and updated all elements of a variety of Programs of Instruction. Teach short technical courses in accordance with approved curriculum and develop new instructional techniques/courses. Developed and implemented lesson plans for stock accountability, location survey/accuracy, inventory procedures and receiving, shipping, storing and issuing supplies. Responsible for developing alternative teaching techniques and scenarios. Coordinated US Army Reserve training including developing Reservist Instructor's teaching techniques on the Material Release Order Control system (MROC). * Conducted information briefs and demonstrations on automated warehouse operations for visitors of all echelons at the Model Warehouse. Conduct test analysis and develop or revise test items. Served as test proctor developed and graded exams and practical exercises.

Hill University | Business Administration Management | 2010 | Master Degree |