SUMMARY: Extensive work experience in design, analysis, test, and operations in areas of thermal, fluids, heat transfer, aerodynamics, thermodynamics, and mechanical for handling thermal and fluid related projects in various programs of Space Shuttle, International Space Station, Commercial Crew, Constellation, tactical aircraft, commercial airplanes, and heat transfer equipment. Highly skilled in thermal modeling tools of Thermal Desktop, TRASYS, SINDA/Fluint, TSS, TAS, and FEM for systems of TPS, ATCS, PTCS, ITCS, ETCS, ECLSS, spacecraft propulsion systems, radiators and systems integration, verification and validation. Experienced in thermal system designs and analysis with the principles of active and passive thermal designs including the radiation, convection, and conduction heat transfer within solids, fluids, and vacuums. Experienced in plan, organization, budget, coordination, customer focus, and build talent teams. I am a U.S. citizen with Government security background investigation for access to NASA Systems and Facilities.


Job Skills
