Professional Summary * Self-starting, proactive professional with 12 years of military logistics and supply chain management experience. * Agile thinker able to easily adapt to changing circumstances and high pressure situations. * Twenty years military leadership experience leading cross-functional teams, units and staffs. * Data-driven, complex problem solver and analytical thinker. Advised and mentored the senior logistics manager of the Afghan National Army Regional Military Training Center-North (RMTC-N) and the garrison logistics officer of the Kabul Military Training Center (KMTC). * Created and implemented training and mentoring programs to build supply management logistics management property accounting and maintenance management skills among KMTC garrison and RMTC-N managers. Key Accomplishments: * Performed management analysis of supply processes and regional distribution networks developed recommendations achieved consensus and implemented improvements to ensure increase accuracy in inventories of critical clothing and equipment while reducing order receipt time 30%. * Guided the senior logistics manager and maintenance managers in the development and implementation of the organization's first vehicle preventive maintenance program resulting in raising fleet readiness to 90% in 6 months. * Led garrison logistics officer to create and publish organization's first standard operating procedures manual and to conduct the first supply accounting compliance inspection.