I'm a Behavior Specialist with over 17 years experience helping individuals and families. I’m an expert in the area of how Mental Health issues and functioning, and have worked with some of the state’s most challenging students. The clients I work with typically have educational and/or behavioral challenges, and may also have diagnoses of; ADHD, Executive Functioning Disorders, Asperger's Syndrome, Non-Verbal Learning Disability, PDD-NOS, Pragmatic Language Deficit, and Psychological Disorders. My goal is to improve a client's overall functioning by utilizing a wide variety of solution-focused techniques, including; ABA, counseling, Social facilitation and immersion, and general strategy development and intervention. In addition, I can also help with; 1. School and Home-based Consultation Systems 2. Parent and family Consultation and Relationship Building (family-school connection) 3. Functional Behavior Assessments 4. Social/Emotional Curriculum and Planning 5. Behavior Support Plans 6. Professional Development and Teacher Training and Maintenance 7. Independent Evaluation Review and Recommendations


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