Career Summary 2014 - Current Chief Revenue Officer (CRO), Executive Manager, Facilities Management Consultant, Business and Engineering Consultant. ARCHIBUS (International Software Company, based in Boston) Chief Revenue Officer/Executive Manager * Undertakes strategic as well as day to day operational planning * Directs programs - managing Human Resources planning and staff management * Controls Revenue and cash flow, monitoring expenditure against set budgets Career Summary - contd Security Organizational Consultant to the Provincial Government of the Western Cape * Redesigned Security Master Plan for the Western Cape Provincial Government spanning 13 departments * Created security strategies with supporting policies, guidelines, Service Level Agreements and training plans * Oversaw the procurement of services both physical and technical while restructuring organization * Liaised with Provincial cabinet, Premiers office and members of the executive council to conclude project Business Process Engineering - Eskom (Power utility provider) * Introduced process mapping into ARIS (enterprise modelling software) * Implemented processes to Eskom standards (Process Control Manual) for the Civil and Structural Engineering department * Collaborated with Eskom System Architects in creating a methodology for liaising with the ARIS modellers * Implemented process mapping for definition of the artifacts, roles, responsibilities, KPI's, business objectives and narratives Facilities Management for Amathole District Municipality * Provided facilities management advice for the procurement of a new office complex using a PPP finance mechanism * Introduced solutions including Renewable Energy Wind Farm and Biomass Generation for Concentrated Solar Power * Investigated areas pertaining to due diligence and project evaluation for the banking industry * Reviewed the financial model, maintenance contracts and high level purchase power agreements * Negotiated contracts with suppliers, conducting legal reviews and developing estimates based on agreements * Projected timelines and proved guidelines and general advice for project In addition consulted on: * Building Management Advisor on Tshwane City inner city development project * Project Manager on renewable energy project as Feedstock Supply Contracts negotiator for the Central Energy Fund (Pty) Ltd. "biomass to electricity power station" * High Speed Rail between Johannesburg and Durban in respect of concept study development and presentation including an indicative financial model for the Department of Transport ministerial review * Heavy Haul Rail Line study for coal exports options for Exxaro (Pty) Ltd from the Waterberg region to coastal harbours (1300km) Financial Modelling development for various clients: * Wind Farm financial model for industry clients (120MW Wind Farm Park) * Tshwane Innovation Hub's land development scheme * Richards Bay Industrial development Zone land development scheme * East London Industrial development Zone land development scheme (lodging car manufacturing plants) Career Summary - cont.


- Facilities management
- Business analyst
- Project management
- Consulting
- Executive manager
- engineering
- Cash Flow
- Government
- Management
- Security
- Chief revenue manager
- project management office
- Strategic corporate entrepreneur
- Procurement optimization
- Business Case Development
- New Business Development
- Human Resources Planning and Management
- Strategic and Operational Management
- Corporate due diligence and auditing thereof