voltage transmission system (230 kV 115kV 33kV) and * Lead the design team to produce conceptual design and SNC Lavalin Front End Engineering Package to revamp the entire high medium and low voltage systems for the National Iranian Oil Electrical Area Lead South Company. This power will be used to supply all of were At the time, annual sales were $1,500,000 / DBA Honda World year. In two years sales doubled and additional product lines added. Overall profitability of the company increased by a factor of three staff members (4 Electrical Supervisors 3 Instrument Responsible for maintenance and modernization of the Skeena Cellulose Ltd. Electrical and Instrumentation equipment. Supervised 9 section Responsible for maintenance of Electrical and Proctor and Gamble Instrumentation equipment in the pulping and finishing of the mill. Supervised a crew of 9 electricians and 5 instrument mechanics


Job Skills
