For the past 20 years I have dedicated my life to the auto industry, mastering every aspect of the business in such a short period of time validates my drive, work ethic, positive attitude, enthusiasm, willingness to learn new ideas while still maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction. Along the way I have been recognized by numerous manufactures like Ford Motor Company, Chrysler, Mercedes Benz and Mazda, most notable Mazda USA, General Motors and Mercedes Benz for earning the coveted Presidents Award for outstanding customer service, sales, and retention statistics. I am completely comfortable in working in a fast pace environment as the auto industry is no place for a slow breather primarily because of the "NOW" mentality. Thriving on pressure, accepting any challenge that is thrown my way, always pushing myself to the limit and encouraging everyone around me to perform at the next level has provided proven results. My beliefs are a great attitude and behavior is the key to success also very contagious, my team relies on me for this leadership, encouragement and positive energy in everything we do as it challenges everyone to think outside the box.
