Dear Recruiter, Currently I am a Project Manager/Sales Person handling a wide variety of contracts. My client base is municipalities and state contracts and have spent 11 years developing contacts with a 99% retention rate as well as growing my contracts to exceed 1 million in yearly sales for a local environmental lab. I manage contracts and lab personnel for 3 labs to comply with EPA and DEP standards as well as helping operators stay in compliance. As a VP for Monoclonal Antibody Company I performed testing, sales and distribution. My prior experience as a successful outside Sales Representative in commercial and industrial waste removal and communications enabled me to achieve but most importantly exceed sales goals. I was the top Sales rep for the state of Georgia for 4 years at Page South. I have a true desire to work with people to help achieve their goals while profit for the company I work for. Strategizing, hard work and planning is the forte to my success as well as constantly utilizing all my tools and resources to work in my favor. Thanks for the opportunity and consideration to work for an esteemed company. I look forward to future correspondence. Sincerely, Michelle Garver

