Additional qualifications:- Sr. No. Course Name Institute Year Place 1. SAS-basic programming Institute Of Clinical Research 2009 Mumbai 2. F.D.A Certification Institute Of Clinical Research 2009 Mumbai. 3. GNIIT (Software Engineering) NIIT 2008 Mumbai Details of Training/Workshop Attended: - Month and Year Topic Conducted by Conducted at April - 14 eCTD Submission Hands-on One-day Training Program Ralf-Peter Berg Director - Education & Services (EXTEDO) DIA Scitech Center, Mumbai, India May- 13 Introduction to GCP Mr. K.S. Grover -Course Instructor (Questa Life Sciences) DMRI Navi Mumbai Oct- 12 ICH-GCP Training Dr. Isaac John - Course Director (Hon Lecturer at Royal Holloway University of London DMRI Navi Mumbai Aug- 12 GCP Training V.P. Shedbalkar (Pharma Edge Centre (I) Pvt. Ltd.) DMRI Navi Mumbai May- 09 30hrs Orientation Program in Statistical Analytical System Dr. S.K. Gupta (Dean & Director General, ICRI) ICRI Mumbai Feb- 09 FDA Smart Inc. Program - "Understanding FDA and the FDA Approval Process" Dr. Joshua Sharlin (Former US FDA reviewer (USA)) ICRI Mumbai


Job Skills
