An innovative and detail oriented Records & Information Management Professional who meets challenges head on and creates positive change. A highly motivated individual with a strong commitment to customer service and support and the proven ability to design, implement and manage effective and efficient records management systems. An effective manager, with a reputation for developing, motivating and leading teams to achieve outstanding results. Experienced in a variety of fields including the Health Industry, Oil & Gas records, Accounting, Legal and Litigation records.

Southern Methodist University | Theology | 2006 | Master Degree |

• Managed Records Management staff and led a team of Records Analysts & support professionals. • Managed nearly 5 million records and a budget of $100,000 • Led the implementation of an automated records and information management system• Improved Records & Information Retention Schedule to become state-wide standard• Implemented digital imaging services. • Plan, develop, implement and direct RIM Retention Schedule company-wide for 20 million records. • Led the effort to convert from microfilm to digital file storage. • Plan, improve, execute and manage Records Management internal website. • Maintained HIPAA compliance while managing an ongoing records destruction program.• Improved the Records Management Department • Improved operations by planning, developing, implementing and managing a reliable records tracking system • Supervised the RIM Management Department and the Library. • Built the Records Management Policies and Procedures Manual and Retention Manual from the ground up.• Managed a records consolidation project which merged the active files from 7 active file rooms into one, consisting of 20,000 filing inches of storage space.Companies I like:

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