Summary With a Background of clinical medicine, molecular biology & Naturopathy, Evaluation of natural ingredients with scientific knowledge for safety & clinical based efficacy has been my core interest. Formulation development and manufacturing management of nutraceuticals and cosmaceuticals with cGMP HACCP application/compliance has been my major professional engagement. - Experience & Expertise in cGMP manufacturing management of Pharmaceutical, Nutraceutical and cosmaceuticals. - Experience in formulation development, Process development, SOPs development in solid and liquid dosage forms and topical preparations. - Experience & Expertise in Process development, Process validation, SOPs development in manufacturing of standardized herbal extracts, purification and TQM (Total quality management) cGMP HACCP implementation and compliance . - Expertise and Experience in contract manufacturing management, cGMP Compliance and quality arrangements, agreements and TQM (Total quality management) of contracts. - Well oriented with FDA regulations and guidance documents for health supplements, pharmaceutical and food industry. - Expertise and Experience with Project management of new projects Prefeasibility development and evaluation and feasibility development. - Study & understand natural ingredients (holistic, processed and Active constituents) with the understanding of physiology, Pathology and pharmacology, molecular biology and understand the molecular mechanism of action of these ingredients. - Developed numerous skin care hair care & nutraceutical formulations with scientifically evaluated and evidenced based efficacy. - Well oriented with oral solid as well as liquid dosage forms development. -Well oriented with formulation of skincare products such as creams gels etc. - Well oriented with formulation of Hair care products such as Shampoo & conditioning aids etc. -Well oriented with cGMP for Herbal & Nutraceutical Industry. Also have valuable expertise and experience in mechanical development and process validity related issues of Pharmaceutical, nutraceutical and cosmaceutical industry - Developed numerous state of the Art Nutrition products, naturally sweetened, flavored & colored. No sugar, color & flavor for oral dosage forms. (Liquid as well as solid dosage forms). - Researched & developed protocols with pioneering work in developing SOPs for the standardized extraction of raw materials of the region (Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan & India). - Extensive research in Antiaging, Antiacne & skin whitening. - Researched and developed technical brochures and literatures for numerous herbal nutraceuticals and skin care products. ( Brochures available) Key Areas of research and interest: Actively Involved in Physiological, pathological pharmacological bio-molecular & clinical research / understanding in Key Areas of interest such as: - PDE5 inhibitors natural sources (Aphrodisiacs). - Insulin Peripheral resistance (Anti diabetic natural ingredients). - 5 alpha -reductase inhibitors from natural sources. (Hair Loss, Baldness & Regrowth). - Myocardial antioxidants, endothelial dysfunction, Ischemia re-purfusion injury & cardiac remodeling. (Cardio-tonics). - Mitochondrial dysfunction, damage & antiaging. - Human Nutrition & Biofortification natural sources. - Hepatic Fibrosis antifibrotics, liver injury & role of stellate cell activation in liver diseases. - Aldose reductase / polyol inhibitors, diabetic retinopathy & nutraceuticals. - TNF alfa inhibitors (natural). - Human nutrition and naturally derived sources (Biofortification). - Induction Collagen synthesis from natural sources. - Molecular Mechanism of Skin Aging and & Natural strategies for Anti Aging Products. - Standardized Herbal Extraction, Essential oil distillation, Oleoresin & Spice Industry. - Natural Flavors, -Natural Colors. - Molecular Biology & Clinical Research.


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