I am very interested in employment as a Medical Patient Coordinator Position at your Medical Center. I have 17 years experience in the medical field with The University of California, San Francisco Medical Center. As you can see, after perusing my resume, I have been responsible for front/back office multispecialty reception and medical assisting, scheduling patients. and surgeries, communications in all phases, coding and billing, authorizations and justifications at the UCSF, VAMC, and SFGH as well as expertise in IDX, SMS,PICIS,CCS, and Charge Entry, to include credentialing. Therefore, the Medical Front Desk Patient Coordinator position would be an excellent position for me. I thrive on multitasking. Thank you for your consideration. I am available to meet to discuss, in detail, my experiences. Contact me at (415) 990-6446 or by email if you have any questions or if you know of any services where my skills are needed please forward my application and resume to them. Eileen M. Lund (415) 990-6446
