If you are looking for a conservative type of manager, that is definitely not me. I managed to make a company increase its revenue by 700% in five years and double its profits and I surely can do better with yours since maturity and excellence come with practice. I have very good knowledge and expertise in all activities of a mid-sized industrial company and have managed up to 80 people in different departments and with different knowledge and cultural levels. I am a person of soft but strict personal and professional relationship, always ready for new challenges and activities, seeking optimization and quality in my activities and assignments. I see the company as part of my social environment to whom I owe all r responsibility and cooperation, continuously looking for improvements and technological advances without harming people or the social environment where we live. I am highly persistent, persevering and optimistic. My friendship is pure, true and faithful to all people especially sharing ideas compatible with my ethics, life purpose and conduct. I thirst for knowledge and love studying new technologies and languages. Main Achievements in the career: 1) Implemented the first Chip-on Board process in the microelectronics industry in Brazil, researching and studying what to do from scratch, as a junior industrial engineer 2) Surpassed the world average of 95% quality and 75% productivity of the COB process after 2 years of its implementation as a manager process engineer 3) Launched my own company with a USD100K initial investment and managed to get a USD2 million investment from the government for R&D 4) Made a company increase its revenue from USD150K to USD8 million in 5 years 5) Successfully managed and trained over 300 employees in diversified areas such as hand-soldering, preventive maintenance, quality assurance reports, finance reports, sales strategic planning and production line balancing. 6) Procured and accompanied over 100 importation processes by both, air and sea, totaling over USD10 million in raw materials and over 1000 different items

