Dear Applicant Reviewer: I am and educator who is very interested in returning to teaching in the primary grades, particularly Kindergarten. My passion for emergent learners began when I was a Literacy Intern under the tutelage of Dr. Adriane Jacoby. (Currently she directs the Philadelphia Reads program in Philadelphia.) It was a rich and dynamic experience. Many students were achieving and enjoying their learning experience in the primary grades. During the course of my career I have encountered many upper elementary students who are deficient in all components of reading and mathematics. I’ve been an intervention teacher, so I think about how these students were probably taught. I see many missing components. I know that many parents do not know or understand where their child should be in their learning development, so the task is upon educators to be well schooled in the pedagogy and arts of teaching. For this reason, it is my goal to return to the realm of primary education.

