As an experienced process engineer with extensive chemical industry background I offer a proven track record of process design, evaluation, and optimization. This has resulted in cost savings in excess of multiple million of dollars. I have managed processes and personnel including batch and continuous polymerizations, esterifications, hydrogenations, and ammonation. I have demonstrated the ability to apply unit operation principles of heat transfer, fluid flow, distillation, and separation to solve plant processing problems. I have actively participated in many of the 14 aspects of Process Safety Management (PSM) including SOP preparation, hands-on and classroom operator training, Management Of Change (MOC) preparation and completion, Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) review, Safe Working Permitting (SWP) auditing, Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) lead and participation, and incident investigation. I have proven ability to program and troubleshoot DCS controls over plant operation while improving the plant by managing multiple capital projects. In addition, I have proven an ability working with product developers and plant operators to scale up multiple products from bench tops through pilot plants and into production units. My understanding of the product chemistry and process, product parameters and specifications, and plant capabilities has introduced multiple new products in a timely manner. I look forward to further discussions concerning this opportunity. Best Regards, Brent DeBoard 901-857-6650
